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Many of the early pictures have a joyousness of frank workmanship, a directness of attack and a simplicity of arrangement that appeal to the world at large more freely than the subtler blonde harmonies of the later years. The Profil de Femme in which M. Lambotte discerns the influence of Rembrandt, is more suggestive to the present writer of familiarity with Courbet's bold, heavy impasto and sharp transitions from light to shadow. The Réverie of the preceding year has also its suggestions of Courbet, in spite of the delicately painted flowers in the Japanese vase; but in the pictures of the next few years, the robust freshness of the painter's Flemish vision finds expression in color-schemes that resemble nothing so much as the gardens of Belgium in springtime, filled with hardy blossoms and tended by skillful hands; La Consolation of 1857, for example, in which the two black-robed women form the heavy note of dead color against which are relieved the pink and white of their companion's gown, the pale yellow of the wall, the blue of the floor and the low, softly brilliant tones of the beautiful tapestry curtain. Another painting of about the same time has almost the charm of Fantin-Latour's early renderings of serious women bending over their books or their sewing. In La Liseuse the girl's face is absorbed and thoughtful, the color harmony is quiet, the white dress, the dull red of the chair, the blue and yellow and green wools on the table, forming a pattern of closely related tones as various in its unity as the motley border of an old-fashioned dooryard. In other examples we have reminiscences of that time of excitement and esthetic riot when the silks and porcelains and enamels of the Far East came into the Paris of artists and artisans and formed at once a part of the baggage of the Parisian atelier. L'Inde

Two slight sketches of "L'auteur de profil" and "Le compositeur de face" head the page. Soon afterwards he sends me another poetical effusion and writes: "DEAR BOBTAIL, I send you the Serenade composed 'tant bien que mal' last night, not 'entre la poire et le fromage, but between the tea and the pears.

People were fond of comparing the two young men who so often appeared in the same salons together Liszt with his finely shaped, long, oval head and profil d'ivoire, set proudly on his shoulders, his stiff hair of dark blonde thrown back from the forehead without a parting, and cut in a straight line, his aplomb, his magnificent and courtly bearing, his ready tongue, his flashing wit and fine irony, his genial bonhomie and irresistibly winning smile; and Chopin, also, with dark blonde hair, but soft as silk, parted on one side, to use Liszt's own words, "An angel of fair countenance, with brown eyes from which intellect beamed rather than burned; a gentle, refined smile, slightly aquiline nose; a delicious, clear, almost diaphanous complexion, all bearing witness to the harmony of a soul which required no commentary beyond itself."

«§ 463. Des que l'on est sorti de la ville de Cluse, on voit en se retournant sur la droite, les rochers en surplomb sous lesquels on a passé avant de traverser l'Arve. On distingue d'ici le profil des couches de ces rochers; et on reconnoit qu'elles sont presque perpendiculaires

He had quarreled with his best friend; he had betrayed his wife and then left her; and he could come back with a twinkle in his eye. From where Stanistreet sat Mrs. Nevill Tyson's face was a profil perdu; but he could hear her breath fluttering in her throat like a bird. "Didn't I see you two at the 'Criterion' last night?" said Tyson. "What did you think of 'Rosemary, Molly?"

She was still handsome, with hard, wide-open blue eyes, and straight features. She always held her head as if she were being photographed in a tiara en profil perdu.

Mais il est bien plus fréquent de voir des montagnes dont les couches ont la forme d'une demi-voûte, et qui vues de profil présentent, comme notre montagne de Saleve, un pente douce d'une coté, et des escarpemens de l'autre.