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It is with the utmost regret I have to inform your Lordship that being ready for sea early this morning, the foreigners refused heaving up the anchor in consequence of arrears of pay and prize-money, and to my great surprise many of the natives also came aft. I endeavoured by persuasive means to induce them to return quietly and willingly to their duty, which had no effect.

"The cashier thinks I will only receive a part of it, as Fox has escaped and is now at large." "That is unlucky. You will have to wait until the matter is decided, won't you?" "No. He has offered me an advance of a hundred dollars, and is authorized to collect whatever prize-money may be awarded to me. You have some money left?" "Yes, about seventy-five dollars."

"My wants are not likely to be great, and I hope that the cash I now have and such prize-money as we may gain in future, will be ample to supply them," he added. "Well, well," said Lord Reginald, fully appreciating Dick's feelings on the subject, "you are very unlike poor Voules, who did not scruple to borrow what he had no intention to repay; but we will not talk of his faults, poor fellow!

Wherefore Charley Bowles was in arms already against his country's enemies; and Harry Shanks waited for little except a clear proclamation of prize-money; and even young Daniel was tearing at his kedge like a lively craft riding in a brisk sea-way.

The house full, but I had no mind to be seen, but thence to .my cutler's, and two or three other places on small, errands, and so home, where my father and wife come home, and pretty well my father, who to supper and betimes to bed at his country hours. I to Sir W. Batten's, and there got some more part of my dividend of the prize-money.

It is needless in this connection to consider whether it was the matter of personal profit, through legitimate prize-money, that thus influenced him, an effect to some extent pardonable in a man who had long suffered, and still was suffering, from pecuniary straitness, or whether, as he loudly protested, it was the interest to the nation that made his personal superintendence of the proceeds imperative.

This world was not then so good as Doctor Pangloss believed it, neither was it so wicked as Dantes thought it, since this man, who had nothing to expect from his comrade but the inheritance of his share of the prize-money, manifested so much sorrow when he saw him fall.

They sometimes gain a considerable sum, and then, like sailors with prize-money, they try how soon they can contrive to squander it. They drink excessively, buy quantities of clothes, and in a few days return penniless to their miserable abodes, there to work harder than beasts of burden. This thoughtlessness, as with sailors, is evidently the result of a similar manner of life.

Not that I have any real cause to complain, for I suppose I may now call myself a fairly rich man, with the division of the galleon's prize-money in prospect; much richer than I should have been by this time had I had an opportunity to enter the navy.

This cruise we assisted, as the French say, in taking one of their privateers, the prize-money of which gave soap to the ship’s company for the next cruise; what other good we did I say not. At the expiration of another three months, His Majesty’s sloop’s anchors once more bit the mud in the Downs.