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In killing his son and young Russell, along with several of their companions, the Indians were merely serving notice of no thoroughfare for home-builders. So let us remember that Dunmore's War was the inevitable outcome of two alien races determined on the same prize, with each primed for a death-struggle by the memories of fearful wrongs.

The long gun was slewed round both carronades were run out, all three being loaded, double shotted, and carefully primed the whole crew, with our black supernumeraries, being at quarters. "I see her quite distinct now, sir," sung out Timotheus. "Well, what looks she like?" "A large brig, sir, by the wind on the same tack you can see her now without the glass there with the naked eye."

With Rhoda walking by her side, she was now plodding along towards the city in a temper primed by the accidents of the day to a condition of the highest irascibility.

She had won every important engagement with the exception of the clash off the coast of Chile, and could look calmly forward, despite the gnawing of German submarines at her commerce. With every gun and man primed for the fight, with the greatest collection of armed vessels ever known lying at ports, merely awaiting the word, she felt supremely ready.

Elizabeth thought long upon the joy in Luther's face as he greeted her. John must have made some move about the request for help which covered the neglect of all these months adequately to Luther. Sadie finished her inspection of the inner regions and returned to the kitchen primed with things to be said to her rival, and Elizabeth fared badly at her hands.

Whether he shouted or gesticulated, ate or drank most, would be a difficult matter to determine. At all events, he would not have given his place up for an empire, "not even if the cannon loaded, primed, and fired at that very moment were to blow him in pieces into the planetary world."

He could not very well, in the nature of the case, start an offensive campaign; but at the very first suggestion on Dorothy's part of the slightest desire to engage again in any of the various forms of frivolous amusement by which she had made his life a burden to him, he was all loaded and primed to go off with a bang that he believed would settle her.

The Altrurian, however, was cocked and primed with another question; he instantly exploded it: "But are all the working-men in America eager to rise above their condition? Is there none willing to remain among the mass because the rest could not rise with him, and from the hope of yet bringing labor to honor?" The banker answered: "I never heard of any.

Everyone craned his or her neck to see. Hearts beat quicker with eager anticipation. Which one of the thirty contestants would be the first to appear? There might be several in a bunch, primed for the final sprint for goal. The very thought thrilled hearts, and added color to cheeks, as well as made eyes sparkle with anticipation.

So give me the name of the third one, for I will confess to you that I should like to have something to say about this matter in my club this afternoon, and it will make quite a sensation to come primed with this story about the Austrian woman." "Well, I like that, I like that," said Marat, laughing so as to show his mouth from one ear to the other.