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But any woman's sure of decent handling with Kit Ines not to speak of lady. He and a mate guard the house. An old woman cooks. 'He guards the house, and he gave you a pass? 'Not he. His pride's his obedience to his "paytron" he calls his master, and won't hear that name abused. We are on the first floor; all the lower doors are locked day and night.

Murray Bradshaw was fairly dazzled with the brilliant effect of Myrtle in full dress. He did not know before what handsome arms she had, Judith Pride's famous arms which the high-colored young men in top-boots used to swear were the handsomest pair in New England right over again.

You just stop at home till she gets you a place where they'll pay you better than I do! She'll find out the sooner that there isn't a better place to be had, for it's a slack time now, and everybody has too many hands! When her pride's come down a bit, you come and see whether I'm able to take you on again. Now wasn't that good of her?" "M-m-m!" said Barbara. "It was a slack time!

His dream lay in ruins, and there was nothing to look forward to but a blank, soulless life. It did not seem to him then, in the cold moonlight, that things could ever come right. He could not for his pride's sake condescend to any further explanation with her. He would not stoop to defend himself; she must think what she chose, until she should of herself find out the truth.

Her lips closed; not even for pride's sake, and retort's sake, will she desecrate the past, belittle her own first love. She held out her hand. It was very dark. He could see nothing among her furs but the gleaming whiteness of her face. The whole personality seemed centred in the voice the half-mocking vibrating voice. He took her hand and dropped it instantly.

"Those that give most are always the last to hold out with honest independence and the first to do for others." "Some priests may have plundered their parishes for pride's sake; there's no saying what is in poor human nature," repeated Father Daley earnestly. "God forgive us all for unprofitable servants of Him and His church.

"My confounded conceit may help me on in the world, but it doesn't make me a grateful friend or a pleasant companion?" "I believe George Southend agrees as far as the grateful friend part of it is concerned. And I'm told Lord Hove does as to the rest. But then it was only Flora Disney herself who said so." "And what do you say?" "Oh, pride's tolerable in anybody except a lover," she declared.

Yet the eyes were young, and there was no hardness in them, and the mouth seemed curiously unfashioned for worldly badinage a very wistful, full-lipped mouth that must have been disciplined in some sad school to lose its cheerfulness in repose. "I am wondering," she said, "why Mr. Portlaw does not come and talk to me. We are neighbors in the country, you know; I live at Pride's Fall.

Supercilious until that moment, and disposed for his own pride's sake to treat the buccaneer's suggestions with cavalier criticism, M. de Rivarol's manner suddenly changed. He became alert and brisk, went so far as tolerantly to commend Captain Blood's plan, and issued orders that action might be taken upon it at once. It is not necessary to follow that action step by step.

That event postponed, if it did not render impossible, the advent of civil war in France; and, like Pride's Purge in our civil strifes, it installed in power a Government which represented the feelings of the army and of its chief.