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This shall be your distinctive feature, ye gods, from this day, in consequence of my grace and kindness for you. Performing sacrifices in every Yuga, with large presents, ye will become enjoyers of fruits born of Pravritti. Ye gods, those men also that will perform sacrifices according to the ordinances of the Vedas, will give unto all of you shares of their sacrificial offerings.

"Janamejaya said, 'The Sankhya system, the Pancharatra scriptures, and the Aranyaka-Vedas, these different systems of knowledge or religion, O regenerate Rishi, are current in the world. Do all these systems preach the same course of duties, or are the courses of duties preached by them, O ascetic, different from one another? Questioned by me, do thou discourse to me on Pravritti in due order!

Pravritti is explained by both Sankara and Sreedhara as Chesta, i.e., movements or acts. Mr. Davies is, I think, not correct in taking it to mean "evolved or developed form." Kala here is death. Mr. Davies renders it Time, following some other translators. Then again, Mr. Davies commits a ludicrous blunder in rendering Rite twam as "Except thee."

After this, Hari, granting unto the Grandsire intelligence of the foremost order relating to the Creation, disappeared there and then for going to the place he had come from. Once more, however, he assumed the same form for the sake of causing the religion of Pravritti to flow in the universe. "'Thus did the blessed Hari assume in days of old that grand form having the equine head.

Endued with great prosperity, O chief of Kuru's race, he acquires great fame as well. I have thus told thee, O king, all that should be said on the subject of abstention from meat, together with the ordinances respecting both the religion of Pravritti and Nivritti as framed by the Rishis.""

In this verse, Krishna, forgetting that he is merely reciting the words of another, refers to himself as the Supreme Brahman in whom one must merge for attaining to Emancipation. The second line of 56 is read variously. Heaven is the reward of those who follow the religion of Pravritti or acts, such as sacrifices, religious observances, etc.

Indeed, drawing strength from those rites and observances that will be current in the several worlds, taking their rise from the fruits of Pravritti, do ye continue to uphold the affairs of those worlds. Strengthened by the sacrifices that will be performed by men, ye will strengthen me. These are the thoughts that I entertain for you all.

He ordained at the same time the religion of Pravritti for others, with the view to giving variety to the universe. He is the beginning, He is the middle, and He is the end of all created Beings. He is their Creator and He is their one object of meditation. He is the actor and He is the act.