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Reckoning now upon a similar course of events, and, having already pounded the French position, they launched on this morning hosts of grey-coated infantry at the Hills of Talou and Poivre, above which Henri and Jules were fighting.

Depend on it, he has his eye on this, and will make use of the opportunity; but he will not find Marc Poivre in the ranks!" Human prophecies are acute guesses, and when they come true, correct guesses. Such was Poivre's prophecy.

I hope I shall have de pleasure to make your acquaintance. Je m'appelle Monsieur Auguste de Poivre. J'ai l'honneur de vous presenter une carte d'adresse. I live on de top of my mother's, sur l'entresol. My mother live on de ground rez-de-chaussee. Madame ma mere will be delighted to receive a monsieur of so much vit and adresse."

"I am not so sure of that," replied Gaspard, with some animation. "I thought your time was short, when they brought you in the other day in such a pickle: but I was wrong, you see." Poivre laughed; but added with more feeling than he usually shewed, "I fear not, Gaspard; your last campaign is over, depend upon it." A bright answer came to this doleful prophecy.

I am afraid I have made use of religious jargon, like many others." "My dear fellow," replied Cosin, "God is good to all; but we have no right to claim any share in His goodness except through Christ. If we left that out it would be jargon indeed." Victor Malin and Marc Poivre hated each other with perfect hatred. But there was this peculiarity in their mutual animosity: it was intermittent.

To-morrow morning, at daybreak, let us begin." Marc Poivre, the man he had alluded to, was a tall, lank fellow, with muscles of iron, and sunken fiery eyes, that betokened a fierce temper which would not brook much contradiction. "I say, wait!" was his sententious reply. "What for?" said Malin. "Till the days get shorter still. Till we know more for certain that the others are ready.

"That's the second time you have called me so," said Poivre, starting up, his temper rising at a bound to "stormy," and shaking his fist at the other. "And not the last!" shouted Malin, glad to find the other as angry as himself. "I tell you, you are a poltron, before all these gentlemen. You have no more courage than a rabbit, and no more spirit than an old woman. You ran away at Talavera.

We have followed their movements later, when, abandoning the drive in a southerly direction over the slopes of the Côte du Poivre, the German war lords caused their armies to swerve to the east to face the fort of Douaumont and to march towards it.

Amidst the storm of shells which the German massed guns were pouring upon that narrow front stretching from the Côte du Poivre past the Côte De Talou to the River Meuse, heads popped up from battered trenches, from shell craters, from fissures torn in the ground by high explosives, and hardy, bristly, dirty poilus, stared down the slopes through the wintry light and watched the enemy approaching.

At Vacherauville lying close to the eastern bank of the river the next outcrop on the banks of the Meuse is the Côte de Talou, and, still east of it, the Côte du Poivre, while a little farther east, in the neighbourhood of Louvemont, the heights sweep round abruptly to the south to Douaumont, and then to Vaux, towards which those outlying parties of French who had held on so stubbornly to Herbebois, Ornes, and Maucourt, and had retired towards Bezonvaux, were now being driven by the enemy.