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He asked all of a breath whether this lady had yet had the small-pox? whether her hair were her own? how tall she stood without high heels to her shoon? whether her breath were sweet or her language unpleasing in the Lincolnshire jargon? whether the King had sent her many presents? Margaret Poins was a very large, fair, and credulous creature, rising twenty.

'Sir Throckmorton, Margot Poins had uttered, 'though ye be a paid spy, ye speak true words there. He pulled his beard and blinked at her. 'I am minded to reform, he said. 'Your mistress hath worked a miracle of conversion in me. She shrugged her great fair shoulders at this, and spoke to the magister: 'It is very true, she said, 'that this spying knight affects my mistress.

A young Marten Pewtress, half page, half familiar to the Earl of Surrey, came towards them calling, 'Hal Poins. He had black down upon his chin and a roving eye. He wore a purple coat like a tabard, and a cap with his master's arms upon a jewelled brooch. 'They say there's a Howard wench come to Court, he cried from a distance, 'and thy sister in her service. 'We talk of her, Poins answered.

'Is it not a noble dam to stay the flood back into our house? Now the Lord Cromwell.... The Lanzknecht rolled his eyes round, because he understood no English. The old man went on talking, but no one there, not even Margot Poins, heeded him.

Quickly and Falstaff and Poins and Bardolph were more likely to have been fallen in with by Shakespeare himself at the Mermaid, than to have been comrades of the true Prince Henry. It was enough for Shakespeare to draw real men, and the situation, whatever it might be, would sit easy on them. In this sense only it is that poetry is truer than History, that it can make a picture more complete.

He started to his feet, loosed the sword in its scabbard; but the Lincolnshire man had his halberd across the gateway. 'Pass! Shew thy pass! he said vindictively. 'I go but to meet him, Poins snarled. 'A good lie; thou goest not, Hogben answered. 'No Englishman goes into the French lands without a pass from the lord controller. An thou keepest a shut head I can e'en keep a shut gate.

Nevertheless it blew cold, and he borrowed a cloak and a pottle of sack to warm the young Poins, who had run with him capless and without a coat. For, listening to the boy's disjointed tale out in the broad reaches below London, Throckmorton recognised that if the young man were incredibly a fool he was incredibly steadfast too, and a steadfast fool is a good tool to retain for simple work.

And for instruction in the books of the Sieur Macchiavelli, let young Poins go to a man who had studied them word by word to the Lord Privy Seal, Thomas Cromwell. They both dropped their voices at the name, and, another gentleman of the guard beginning to talk of rich men who had fallen low by the block, the stake, and gaming, Udal mentioned that that day he had seen a strange sight.

"The boat is ready at the stairs," said he; "if thou wouldst go to the Tower to visit thy father, Myles, before hearing mass, I and Cholmondeley and Vere and Poins will go with thee, if ye, Lords and gentlemen, will grant me your pardon for leaving you. Are there any others that thou wouldst have accompany thee?"

Now, by Cock, I will be advanced to ancient." He had imagined his sister pleading with him to be patient, and himself stamping with his foot and swearing that he would be advanced instantly. The solitary one of the four men barred his way, and said: 'No further! You go back with us! Poins swung his cape back and touched his sword-hilt.