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I'll use two or three of them; tell him you'll pay him again in a week." Blasi seemed rather undecided. "I should have gone to him long ago," he said, "but his mother is always about, and she looks at a fellow as a bird does when somebody is trying to rob her nest. I'm afraid of her." "Poh! it's all right enough to borrow a little money if you're going to pay it back again. Don't be a fool!

"Who would'a believe it? Poh people, dey is really bad off," and she hurried to Mrs. Wentworth's side. Mrs. Wentworth had paid no attention to the colloquy between the old negro and the policeman; she was engaged in appealing to Mr. Swartz, not to remove her to jail that night. "You must have some feelings of humanity within you," she was observing.

The idea that you must pull out every one of every nice young man and young woman's natural teeth! Poh, poh! Nobody believes that. This tooth must be straightened, that must be filled with gold, and this other perhaps extracted, but it must be a very rare case, if they are all so bad as to require extraction; and if they are, don't blame the poor soul for it!

However, as to your business, I think we might talk it over here, and perhaps settle it." And so they left the room together. "I wonder what is going to happen to that gentleman," said Mr. Ormsby, glancing at Endymion, and speaking to Mr. Cassilis. "Why?" replied Mr. Cassilis, "is anything up?" "Will he marry Lady Montfort?" "Poh!" said Mr. Cassilis. "You may poh!" said Mr.

"I should be very sorry myself to have Prudy learn to read," replied she; "but she won't keep still long enough: you needn't be a bit afraid." "Look here, Prudy," exclaimed Mr. Parlin, "can you spell any words?" "Poh! yes, sir, I guess I can," replied Prudy, her eyes looking very bright, "I can spell 'most all there is to spell." "O, ho," laughed Mr. Parlin. "Let's hear you spell your own name.

"O, my stars!" cried Horace, laughing, "you ought to live 'out west, you're such a cunning little spud. Come, now, here's another fish-pole for you. I'll show you how to catch one, and I bet 'twill be a pollywog you're just big enough." "But grandma didn't say I might go down to the river. Wait till I go ask her." "Poh!" said Horace, "no you needn't; I have to hurry.

Surely I ought to know; yet they put me in a perfect maze." "Poh! my dear Eve, why trouble thy little head about such nonsense?" cries Adam, in a fit of impatience. "Let us go somewhere else. But stay; how very beautiful! My loveliest Eve, what a charm you have imparted to that robe by merely throwing it over your shoulders!"

LOMELLINO. Till the whole mass of sedition falls into the hands of some enterprising leader, who will take advantage of the general devastation. GIANETTINO. Poh! Poh! I know but one who might be dangerous, and he is taken care of. LOMELLINO. His highness comes. ANDREAS. Signor Lomellino, my niece wishes to take the air. LOMELLINO. I shall have the honor of attending her. ANDREAS and GIANETTINO.

There's what we should be wanting from you: and as for nautical astronomy, poh, a man with your scientific habit would pick all that up in no time. 'You discuss the matter as gravely as though it were a possibility, Clark, I said, smiling. 'Such a thought would never enter my head: there is, first of all, my fiancée 'Ah, the all-important Countess, eh?

They are first-rate people, remember, and rank among the highest families of the colonies; full of good old Van Cortlandt blood, and well crossed with the Rensselaers. Should any of them ask you about the barrel of tongues, that you will find marked T " "Any of whom, sir; the Schuylers, the Cortlandts, or the Rensselaers?" "Poh! any of the sutlers, or contractors, I mean, of course.