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Pete is a U. P., and may be left to his fate, but the Auld Licht minister thinks that though it be hard work, Tammas is worth saving. To the Auld Licht of the past there were three degrees of damnation auld kirk, play-acting, chapel. Chapel was the name always given to the English Church, of which I am too much an Auld Licht myself to care to write even now.

The adventure writer, half unconsciously perhaps, has been too much occupied play-acting himself into half-forgotten boyhood heroics. The more modest man, with even more self-consciousness, has been thinking of how he is going to appear in the eyes of the expert. Both have thought of themselves before their work. This aspect of the matter would probably vastly astonish the modest writer.

He saw the Seigneur, gloomy and silent, standing apart. He saw the people in scattered groups, looking more homeless than if they had no homes. Some groups were silent; others discussed angrily the question, who was the incendiary that it had been set on fire seemed certain. "I said no good would come of the play-acting," said the Seigneur's groom, and was flung into the ditch by Filion Lacasse.

"Oh, yes, I'll go," she nodded, when I had clapped my hand over the receiver and turned to her questioningly, and afterward she said to me, "Concealing my feelings is one of the accomplishments my education has included. I'll go. I shan't tell them about Bob yet. I can't seem to just now." I was therefore rather surprised when she suddenly abandoned her play-acting.

Someone knocked at the door, and that knocking vibrated through my brain and set me wide-awake, indeed. It was as the signal to uplift the curtain and let my play-acting commence. Hastily I rose and shot a glance at the mirror to see that my wig hung straight and that my mask was rightly adjusted. I started at my own reflection, for methought that from the glass 't was St.

"There's enough of this play-acting," interposed Mrs. Gibbs. "Get off this barge." "You stay where you are," said the mate, authoritatively. "Send that girl off this barge," screamed Mrs. Gibbs to her husband. Captain Gibbs smiled in a silly fashion and scratched his head. "Where is she to go?" he asked feebly. "Wh'at does it matter to you where she goes?" cried his wife, fiercely. "Send her off."

It may be that he will be the more ready to surrender you when he learns that Don Carlos will be prepared to ransom you when Cojuelo has tired of you." "More play-acting and you are taking an unfair advantage again," commented Myra. "You should thank me rather than blame me for putting Standish's love for you to the test," responded Don Carlos, with a shrug.

"This is all I have to say. Go to your play-acting aunt if you want to. Your grandmother and me won't hinder you. But you'll come back here no more. We'll have nothing further to do with you. You can choose your own way and walk in it." With this dictum Joscelyn went from Spring Valley. She clung to Deborah and wept at parting, but Cyrus did not even say goodbye to her.

I had come expecting a mere bit of play-acting, with all details left in the control of others. I anticipated no more than a few weeks of idleness, with, perhaps, the overseeing of a plantation, to partially keep my time occupied. Instead I found myself instantly involved in a network of mystery where even murder was part of the play. Little as I liked Coombs, this Creole was even more dangerous.

"You are very good to me," said Ralph bitterly. "Now, I do not want any more play-acting " He broke off suddenly as the door opened. "And here is the food. Chris, you are not yourself" he gave a swift look at his servant again "and I suppose you have had no food to-day." Again he glanced out through the open door as Mr. Morris turned to go. Chris paid no sort of attention to the food.