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And yet society must be protected. Other pretty, weak, silly creatures must be warned, by such rather brutal object lessons, not to bear bastards or pawn their mistresses' spoons. "'Je ne sais pas ce que c'est que la vie éternelle, mais celle çi est une mauvaise plaisanterie," Dickie quoted to himself somewhat bitterly.

Monsieur Lofe!" cried, or rather screeched the epicier, darting across the room, and seizing the chef by the tail of his coat, just as he was half way through the door, "come back! Quelle mauvaise plaisanterie me faites-vous ici? Did you not tell me that lady was single? Am I married or not: Do I stand on my head or my heels?" "Hush-hush! mon bon bourgeois!" whispered Mr.

C'est parceque, no doubt, so many szabos live in it, eh? Ha, ha! That was a good calembourg of mine, c'est une plaisanterie. Dost understand?" "I can't say for certain, but I believe the Hungarians so called it after the name of one of their ancient leaders who led them out of Asia." "Ah, c'est beau! Very nice, I mean. The worthy magyars name their departments after their ancient patriarchs.

At first nobody took any notice of what was probably a mere mauvaise plaisanterie; and the incident would have passed altogether had not Mr. Brodrick immediately afterwards made a more direct appeal to the Irish Members. This elicited from Mr. Sexton the retort that he need not make any appeal to the Irish Benches after the "grossly rude" allusion he had made to the Irish people.

He managed to make a step forward and sank down before the King, who glowered at him. "'Twas but a plaisanterie, Your Majesty!" and if such a jest, with a king for the butt, seems incredible, let one remember that already Louis had been refused his cour plénière and the Queen lampooned and hissed at the theatre. "Monsieur le Baron de St.

I do not dislike him: he does not seem to be at all deficient in understanding, and has besides de la bonne plaisanterie. Hare is in town, and, if I was to credit his own insinuations, upon the point of bringing his affair to a conclusion.

"Je ne l'aurais peut-etre pris que comme une maniere de taquiner, une plaisanterie, si cela ne m'avait ete repete encore tout dernierement par un homme d'une vraie valeur intellectuelle, qui a toute une theorie sur les races. La conclusion a deduire etait: tout ce qui pense serieusement ne peut etre francais.

Go fetch it, Julian, for Heaven's sake here are my keys it is in the left-hand drawer of my travelling cabinet Nay, mother, forgive me it was but a mauvaise plaisanterie; only an ill-imagined jest, ungracious, and in bad taste, I allow but only one of Philip's follies. Look at me, dearest mother, and forgive me." The Countess turned her eyes towards him, from which the tears were fast falling.

Monsieur Lofe!" cried, or rather screeched the epicier, darting across the room, and seizing the chef by the tail of his coat, just as he was half way through the door, "come back! Quelle mauvaise plaisanterie me faites-vous ici? Did you not tell me that lady was single? Am I married or not: Do I stand on my head or my heels?" "Hush-hush! mon bon bourgeois!" whispered Mr.

Show me directly. Ah! Armine, mon ami! mon cher! Is this your friendship? To be in this cursed hole, and not send for me! C'est une mauvaise plaisanterie to pretend we are friends! How are you, good fellow, fine fellow, excellent Armine? If you were not here I would quarrel with you. There, go away, man. The waiter disappeared, and Count Mirabel seated himself on the hard sofa.