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"Ah, you think the Norumbia doesn't hide anything," he began, and he was going to speak of the men in the furnace pits of the steamer, how they fed the fires in a welding heat, and as if they had perished in it crept out on the forecastle like blanched phantasms of toil; but she interposed in time. "If there's anything worse, for pity's sake don't tell me," she entreated, and he forebore.

For pity's sake! what is the child doing?" In watching the shore people, they had forgotten for a moment the stranded boat and its small occupant. As they looked again, they saw she had stuck the oars in the mud, blade down, and was now evidently lashing them to the oar-locks.

'For pity's sake! he said. 'I'm telling you. I never thought Hazel was steadfast, you know. 'Where is she? Why will you torment me? 'An old man came. A very untrustworthy old man, I fear. A defiant manner, and that is never pleasant. There he was in the kitchen with Martha! Age is no barrier to wrong, and Martha was very flushed. There was a deal of laughter, too. 'Mother!

But for pity's sake, Miss Amelia, don't go on about it to your mother, for she thinks you'll never get your senses right again, and she has fretted enough about you, poor lady; and nursed you night and day till she is nigh worn out. And anybody can see you've been ill, Miss, you've grown so, and look paler and older like.

"For pity's sake, sire! they will think it strange to see you wet through, in this manner, and that you should have run such risk for me." "I have simply done my duty as a gentleman," said Louis; "and woe to him who may fail in his, in criticising his sovereign's conduct." In fact, at this moment a few eager and curious faces were seen in the walk, as if engaged in a search.

Because on Friday I'm going to have tea with Mrs. Liggett her husband came in to-day and asked me. Oh, the darling! He certainly is the well, the most well, I don't know! His voice, and the quiet, quiet way " "Oh, for pity's sake go change your shoes!" Rose interrupted. "You are the biggest idiot! I went into the store to get her," Rose explained, "and I've had all this once, in the subway.

Sharpe said, ineffably calm, stooping to pick up the glass. Mollie turned to her with eyes wild and wide. "I know him yes. And you Oh, for pity's sake, say you know him, too!" "How on earth can I say so until I've seen him?" said Mrs. Sharpe, poising her glass and clapping her eye to it, one hand over the other, after the fashion of the sex. She took a long look. "Well?" Mollie panted. Mrs.

Art is sacred; it shouldn't be talked about the way mother speaks of it. When I was in Paris I was in my element. I wore a linen blouse all over paint; ah, that blouse those happy days." "Oh, Tony," suddenly burst from Susy's lips, "for pity's sake don't go off into a trance; you'll put Hester into a fit. Her face at the present moment is enough to kill anyone.

You would give the best no doubt, and set the hell hounds on my track the moment I am gone. I know how much I might expect from your charity." "I would have fed you for pity's sake," she answered. "Pity! Who are you, that you should dare to pity me! By , my young woman, it is I that pity you. I must cut your throat unless you give me money. Do you know that?" "Money! I have got no money."

I didn't like to hurt Miss Colson's feelings, of course, but I didn't like to hurt Pilot's feelings either; and the day was so perfect and Pilot was feeling so good and we were having such fun together! I guess it was a case of 'a bird in the hand, or 'possession being nine points, you know; or something like that. Only for pity's sake, girls, don't tell Miss Colson I said that."