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It was a soft mellow light, just the sort of light you would expect to accompany Fairy Folk. As Raggedy watched, her candy heart went pitty-pat against her cotton stuffing, for she saw a tiny pink foot sticking out of the bundle of light.

She went and stood very close to her father, as if expecting him to put his arm around her, which he promptly did. "You see, Pitty-Pat," he said, "it wouldn't have made any difference at all not any difference at all, except that I have brought my friend Mr.

And yet they chops make my heart go pitty-pat. 'The commonest things are the worst done, said Mrs. Mel. 'It ain't that; but they must be done his particular way, do you see, Mrs. Harrington. Laid close on the fire, he say, so as to keep in the juice. But he ups and bounces in a minute at a speck o' black. So, one thing or the other, there you are: no blacks, no juices, I say.

I have been on guard at a big tree, on some grass-grown country road, when something would be heard coming down the road towards me; pat, pat, pitty-pat, then it would stop short. The night might be too dark for me to see it, but I knew it must be a dog.

There was a tiny tinkle from a bell and, just as Johnny hopped behind the clock, he saw a boot stick out of the fireplace. Then Johnny Cricket's little bug heart went pitty-pat, and sounded as if it would run a race with the ticking of the clock. From his hiding place, Johnny Cricket heard one or two chuckles, and something rattle.

"Pitty-pat; pitty-pat; pitty-pat," went the pony; and, as soon as Neddy heard it, down went his head, up went his heels, and away he rushed, and passed Harry like a shot. But Harry was ready for him, and cleverly threw his halter over the tiresome brute's head.

On reaching the road below me, its noise would cease for a little while, it was then looking back over its shoulder to see if that man was still there. Having satisfied itself on that point, then pat, pat, pitty-pat, and it went off in a trot down the road.

And yet they chops make my heart go pitty-pat. 'The commonest things are the worst done, said Mrs. Mel. 'It ain't that; but they must be done his particular way, do you see, Mrs. Harrington. Laid close on the fire, he say, so as to keep in the juice. But he ups and bounces in a minute at a speck o' black. So, one thing or the other, there you are: no blacks, no juices, I say.

'Her heart, she said, 'was easily set pitty-pat now. She had been, by her master's orders, examined by two of the chief physicians of the kingdom, 'baronets both. They advised total rest. As far as I could apprehend, their baronetcies and doings in high regions had been of more comfort than their prescriptions.

"I'm away head of this pitty-pat game at the Merry-go-Round," Bunch went on, "and it so happens that recently I peeled the wrapper off my roll and swapped it for a country home for my sister and her daughter. She's a young widow, my sister is, and one of the loveliest little ladies that ever came over the hill. And she has a daughter that's a regular plate of peaches and cream."