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Oliphant approached the spirit within two yards, but he then collapsed, the ghost uttering terrible yells. I commenced work, but the spirit 'gazed' into my face, and I fell forward against the engine. Seven of us saw the ghost this time. Our clothes and everything in the shed were tossed and thrown about." The other engine-cleaners were interviewed and corroborated Pinkerton's account.

On Monday morning Clare came to her father's office, and found Jane taking down letters from Lord Pinkerton's private secretary, a young man who had been exempted from military service through the war on the grounds that he was Lord Pinkerton's right hand. Clare sat and waited, and looked round the room for violets, while this young gentleman dictated.

The vast machinery of Pinkerton's Detective Agency was at work all over the country. His brightest and keenest operatives had been brought together in St. Louis, Kansas City, Leavenworth and Chicago. False clews were sprung every day, and run down to a disappointed termination. But all to no purpose. Outwitted and baffled, Mr.

They fill the book with incident between the two of them; something is always happening, from the moment when they drive out of Miss Pinkerton's gate at Chiswick till the last word that is told of either.

Pinkerton's through all right: seven cents dividend, some remarks made, but nothing to hurt; the press let you down easy I guess Jim had relations there. The only trouble is, that all this Flying Scud affair got in the papers with the rest; everybody's wide awake in Honolulu, and the sooner we get the stuff in and the dollars out, the better for all concerned."

In order to see the apparitions all you had to do was to run thrice round the parish church and then peep through the key-hole of the door. Rev. Thomas Pennant, "Tour in Scotland, and Voyage to the Hebrides in 1772," in John Pinkerton's Voyages and Travels, iii. In quoting the passage I have corrected what seem to be two misprints. This account was written in the eighteenth century. Rev.

The supposition that you were being blackmailed was borne out by inquiries made for us by Pinkerton's, which proved that Goldenburg had visited you several times and that he was always in funds after he left you, however low he might be before. I think it is a fair inference." "Quite fair." Grell's face was a little drawn, but he spoke quietly. "You are quite correct, Mr. Foyle.

"We're froze out, me darlin'! All the money we had, dear, and the sewing-machine, and Jim's uniform, was in the Golden West; and the vipers has put on a new assessment." By the end of the year, therefore, this is how I stood. I had made By Catamount Silver Mine $5,000 By the picnics 3,000 By the lecture 600 By profit and loss on capital in Pinkerton's business 1,350 $9,950 to which must be added

Sulky, sheepish, and amazed, they still sat round the table. "I'd like to say a word to you before we separate," said the man who had trapped them. "I guess we may not meet again until you see me on the stand in the courthouse. I'll give you something to think over between now and then. You know me now for what I am. At last I can put my cards on the table. I am Birdy Edwards of Pinkerton's.

Bellairs turned to leave; at sight of me behind him, up flew his hands, and he winced and cringed, as though in fear of bodily attack. "O, it's you!" he cried; and then, somewhat recovered, "Mr. Pinkerton's partner, I believe? I am pleased to see you, sir to congratulate you on your late success." And with that he was gone, obsequiously bowing as he passed. And now a madcap humour came upon me.