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About two scruples of the seed, two or three times a-day, was the ordinary dose given. Medicines of this kind should be used with great caution. Woodville's Med. Bot. p. 91, 92. PIMPINELLA saxifraga. BURNET SAXIFRAGE. The Root, Leaves, and Seeds. This root promises from its sensible qualities, to be a medicine of considerable utility, though little regarded in common pratice.

Boerhaave frequently employed it, along with ammoniacum and galbanum, in hypochondriacal disorders, obstructions of the abdominal viscera from a sluggishness of mucous humours, and a want of due elasticity of the solids. PIMPINELLA Anisum. ANISEED. The Seeds.

So the plants on high mountains have their upper leaves more divided, as pimpinella, petroselinum, and others, because here the air is thinner, and thence a larger surface of contact is required. The stream of water also passes but once along the gills of fish, as it is sooner deprived of its virtue; whereas the air is both received and ejected by the action of the lungs of land-animals.

You want one quart of gin; I comprehend. Shall it be your Hollands, your Aromatic Scheidam, your Nantz, or our own proud Columbian article? You want one quart of rum, potus e saccharo confectus! You want one quart of brandy. You want one gallon of wine. You want a dozen of brown-stout. You want the patent vulcanized India-rubber pump. You want anise, pimpinella anisum; I comprehend.