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There is nothing more certain than this plain truth, that if proper religious and moral knowledge were impressed upon the early principles of persons like Phelim, a conscience would be created capable of revolting from crime.

"Well, 'tis Mat Meehan has it, sir: and he's out this half-hour, sir; I can't stay in, sir iplrfff iphfff!" "You want to be idling your time looking at the gintleman, Phelim." "No, indeed, sir iphfff!" "Phelim, I know you of ould go to your sate. I tell you, Phelim, you were born for the encouragement of the hemp manufacture, and you'll die promoting it."

But let us hear it out." "The third damsel is by no means so, well adapted for Phelim as either of the other two. What she could have seen in him is another problem much more difficult than the one I have mentioned. I would advise her to reconsider the subject, and let Phelim have the full benefit of the attention she may bestow upon it.

But, like all stories, it requires that some satisfaction should be given to the reader in regard to the dramatic proprieties. We have our several heroes to dispose of. Phelim Murray and Hugh Riley, who had both been arrested by the Council to satisfy public opinion as to their complicity in the plot for the escape, were both honorably discharged, I suppose being found entirely innocent!

It was, however, remarkable, that the greatest deficiency of proof occurred in the province where the principal massacres were said to have been committed. Of the men of Ulster, Sir Phelim O'Neil is the only one whose conviction, and execution, have been recorded.

Be sure the Bouncer has some schame in this. Well, one would suppose Paddy Donovan an' his daughter had more sinse nor to think of sich a runagate as Bouncin' Phelim." "No, but the Pathriark! Sure his Reverence sez that we musn't call him anything agin but the Pathriark! Oh, be gorra, that's the name! ha, ha, ha!"

"Now blessings on ye for a handy callant as ye are," said Biddy, patting his shoulder approvingly. "An' how is she?" "Well as ever, mother, and kind-tempered and good too. A power of good things she has sent, and they're safe hid in the cellar. The money is in me coat pocket, mother. Shall I give it ye?" "Not now. Kape it till all be gone. Was she sorry or mad, Phelim?" "Mad? Not at all. Sorry?

Why, I was goin' to bid you make up to her." "Give no gosther, Sam," replied Phelim, "but sind round the bottle, an' don't forget to let it come this way. I hardly tasted a dhrop to-night." "Oh, Phelim!" exclaimed Peggy. "Whisht!" said Phelim, "there's no use in lettin' the ould fellows be committin' sin. "Come, nabors," said Burn, "I'm the boy that's for close work. How does the match stand?

If I do, may I be a corpse the next minute!" Having thus expressed herself, she left her father, Phelim, and Larry, to digest her sentiments, and immediately went home.

"An' so she did consint, the darlin', but what the puck would she do else? God save the family! Paddy Donovan, how is your health? Molly, avourneen, I'm glad to hear that you're thrivin'. An' Peggy eh? Ah, be gorra, fadher, here's somethin' to look at! Give us the hand of you, you bloomer! Och, och! faith you're the daisey!" "Phelim," said the father, "will you behave yourself?