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The arrangements were all made for the issue of stock and the commencement of operations, and when, three days afterward, he started from Titusville on his way home, he had in his satchel blank certificates of stock, all signed by the officers of the Continental Petroleum Company, to be limited in its issue to the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

It gives rise to coldness, shallow respiration, syncope, and insensibility, but seldom death. =Paraffin=, also known as kerosene and mineral oil, is a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of shale. By the retailer the terms 'petroleum' and 'paraffin' oil are used indifferently, and each is sold for the other without prejudice. Symptoms.

"There was to be a grand birthday festival among the Fays, who inhabit the tropics. The wind fairies had brought us news of it as well as urgent invitations for our royal family to be present; but so deeply engrossed was our King at that moment in supplying the oil wells of Pennsylvania with petroleum that he could not absent himself. The Queen never goes from home without her liege lord.

It became at the same time as black as ink; being, without doubt, mixed with the petroleum, or asphaltum, which abounds at the bottom of the sea, as well on the coasts of the gulf of Cariaco, as near the island of Trinidad.

Thus artificial meadows must be in greater demand; and meat, wool, leather, and above all, manure, this basis of agricultural riches, must become more abundant. "If more oil be consumed, it will effect a great impetus to our petroleum trade.

"I do believe," said Nigel in some surprise, "that they are lighting up the place with petroleum lamps!" "Ay, and you will observe that they are lighting the lamps with Congreve matches at least with matches of the same sort, supplied by the Dutch and Chinese. "No doubt steam is zee cause of zee change," remarked the professor.

With some difficulty I got my bags out of the steamer and carried them up through the crowd of women and donkeys that were still struggling on the quay in an inconceivable medley of flour-bags and cases of petroleum. When I reached the inn the old woman was in great good humour, and I spent some time talking by the kitchen fire.

The light and heat of these hydrocarbons we may think of, therefore, as a gift to the civilized life of our race from the humble organisms, both animal and vegetable, of the remote past, whose remains were entombed in the sediments of the Ordovician and later geological ages. Petroleum is very widely disseminated throughout the stratified rocks.

Playfair stated that in his brother-in-law's coal mine in Derbyshire there was a large quantity of petroleum, and he proposed that Mr. Young should investigate the mine, and judge if anything could be made out of it. A commission so responsible, and involving the exercise of so much scientific skill, was just suited to Mr. Young's fancy.

Isherwood experimented with petroleum under the boilers of United States steamers. Three railroads in Russia are using naphtha in their locomotives, and steamers on the Volga are using the same fuel. Wurtz experimented with crude petroleum in a reheating furnace at Jersey City. Dowson, Strong, Lowe, and others have devised systems for the production of water gas.