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He was humble-hearted, but here was a question of justice and truth. To speak according to truth, according to what one believes to be the truth, is a duty; therefore, why did they persecute him? "You cannot change?" said the professor, bending over him and fixing on his face two squinting eyes. "You cannot change?" Don Rocco kept silent.

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. In Luke we read, 'Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled.

A baronet, who has no deer and no park, is supposed to persecute a poet for stealing these aerial deer out of this aerial park, both lying in nephelococcygia. The poet sleeps upon this wrong for eighteen years; but at length, hearing that his persecutor is dead and buried, he conceives bloody thoughts of revenge.

When we bear this in mind, we see how natural and inevitable it was that the Church should persecute such men as Galileo and Bruno. At the same time it is instructive to observe that, while the Copernican astronomy has become firmly established in spite of priestly opposition, the foundations of Christian theology have not been shaken thereby.

Dion belonged to the Macedonian men of the Council; yet I have already declared, in accordance with the truth, that I never intended to persecute him on Caesarion's account. I do not even know and do not desire to know the refuge of the lately wedded pair. Or has the new tax levied, the command to seize the treasures of the temple, driven them to extremities? What am I to do?

He was a snake in the grass, and as such every decent man ought to hold him in scorn. Elliot read this just as he was leaving for the Willow Creek Camp. He thrust the paper impatiently into his coat pocket and swung to the saddle. Why did they persecute him? He had told nothing but the truth, nothing not required of him by the simplest, elemental honesty.

"And do those whom you call Catholics never persecute?" said I. "Never," said the man in black. "Ten times more than in the Flos Sanctorum," said I. The man in black looked at me, but made no answer. "And what say you to the Massacre of the Albigenses and the Vaudois, 'whose bones lie scattered on the cold Alp, or the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes?" The man in black made no answer.

The important point of the episode is this: the Church introduced into the public law of Europe the new principle that a sovran held his crown on the condition that he should extirpate heresy. If he hesitated to persecute at the command of the Pope, he must be coerced; his lands were forfeited; and his dominions were thrown open to be seized by any one whom the Church could induce to attack him.

I went out of the room and pulled the door to behind me. I knew that after it had closed I should never see Jacqueline again. She opened it and stood confronting me; and then burst into a flood of impassioned speech. "Why have you followed me here to persecute me?" she cried. "Are you under the illusion that I am helpless?

And yet that there was not in him the least propensity to persecute; that these persecutions were for the most part spontaneous and accidental; that they were in no measure due to his direct instigation, or in special accordance with his desire, is clear from the fact that the martyrdoms took place in Gaul and Asia Minor, not in Rome.