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And now the dark-haired young man spoke to me, and it became evident that his mind also moved along its own set of grooves. "I should like to be a periwinkle," said he, mysteriously, "on the top of a valley, and sing tooralloo-ralloo." This was clearly too obscure, so I turned again to Coglan. "I've been around the world twelve times," said he.

Whatever others may think or say, Nurse Periwinkle is forever grateful; and among her relics of that Washington defeat, none is more valued than the little book which appeared on her pillow, one dreary day; for the D D. written in it means to her far more than Doctor of Divinity.

"Um-m! what lots of them you have eaten!" said Thorn, looking over the big pile. "Yes," said Periwinkle, with a laugh, "we live on them." "But you see," Foam went on, "our people have lived here for a long time longer than my grandfather can remember. And the shell mounds have been growing all that time. There are many other shell heaps all along this shore, where more of our people live."

There is also a Larger Periwinkle, very similar to my favourite here, except in size. To find the Periwinkle in full flower we should have to come in spring, but, though it is July now, we shall still find a blossom here and there, I hope. Even in winter we might do so too. The Lesser Periwinkle has a blue flower, but the blue is a pale lilac blue.

Its feeding time comes when the water covers the rocks once more. Then the Limpet's shell may be seen to tilt up, and a foot, and a head with feelers and eyes, come out. The Limpet crawls to the seaweed and begins to browse, using a rasp like that of the Periwinkle. It then crawls back to its own place on the rock.

Even Periwinkle with his extensive vocabulary could not think of an adequate word to describe the manner of her entrance. "You have been disobedient. Don't tell me you haven't. You've been playing on the street. Don't tell me " The children, however, did not attempt to interrupt her or defend themselves until she had finished her scolding. Then her nephew let his thunderbolt fall.

His eyes, instead of the hardness of a turquoise, had that velvety softness of the blue periwinkle, which had so much struck me on the occasion of my first visit, by reason of the astonishing contrast in the two different looks; the look of a happy man, and the look of an unhappy man.

The leaves are dark green, glossy and pointed, and they grow in pairs. Often, however, we find two pairs of leaves growing so closely together that they seem to grow in fours. The leaves are evergreen; they do not fade and die in autumn. Some of the Periwinkle stems are erect and are about six inches high; others are creeping.

The Periwinkle rasps the seaweed with his tongue, and so scrapes off his dinner. Of course the teeth wear away. But only part of the toothed ribbon is used at a time, so there are plenty of teeth behind the worn ones, ready to take their place. The shell, as we have seen, is made of limestone. But the teeth are made of flint. This is a hard substance, so hard that it is used for striking sparks.

There had been flowers all the way wild phlox, the primrose, the creeping periwinkle, and white and red dentura, together with many trees of brilliant foliage similar in color to our Autumn tints. There was also a very tall bush with clusters of bright yellow blossoms, in size much like our wild rose.