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He understood the letter to mean that it was very important that these drawings reach Germany before the motors were in service, since then it would be too late for the Germans to avail themselves of "Yankee ingenuity," and also since they would in all probability succeed in capturing one of the planes. The phrase "same idea as a periscope" puzzled him.

The same person that said it was like a periscope said something about having plans of a motor. I got to tell that, and I ain't going to say any more about him. So now he can't do any more harm. And and I want you to please go away," he burst forth, "because I I got to tell him about how our mother died 'cause maybe he didn't get the letter." But of course his brother had received that letter.

It was the unseemly limit, he said, to watch all day for a periscope, and it would be the very devil suddenly to see one. Besides, he had hoped that by losing his draft of men he would be freed from all duties, and a passenger for a fortnight. He would have just sat down, and drawn his pay.

"Looks like a German cruiser," said the American lieutenant as he gripped the brass wheel of the periscope and gave himself intently to the task of divining the identity of the unknown ship.

For a moment or two a finger of ghostly white shifted aimlessly to and fro over the surf ace of the sea and then centered full upon the disappearing periscope of the Dewey! Instantly came the boom of the ship's guns as they belched a salvo at the tormenting submarine. "Missed him by inches," growled McClure after waiting long enough to be convinced that the torpedo had sped wide of the mark.

I heard to-day that I am likely to be appointed to the periscope school in a few weeks' time, and meanwhile I am to be attached as supernumerary to the operations division on old Max's staff. The work here is most interesting. I feel glad that I am one of the spiders weaving the web for Britain's destruction.

We were fortunate in that our conning tower was already right ahead of the enemy, and as I dropped down into the conning tower, I saw that as she could not turn we were safe. A few shells plunged harmlessly into the water near our stern, and then we were under. We came up to a periscope depth, and I surveyed her from a position off her stern.

Every minute makes our situation more precarious. You may submerge to five fathoms, Mr. Templeton." Quickly Jack gave the command. Immediately the bridge wound into the little conning tower, which at once closed, and the submarine began to sink gradually. Lord Hastings glued an eye to the periscope and watched developments above. "Just as I feared," he exclaimed. "They have seen through our ruse.

This damage may or may not cause the undersea boat to sink. Inside of ninety feet, though, there isn't much doubt about the sinking. "Patrol duty is a grind. The sea where we work is filled with wreckage for a distance of 300 miles off shore, and you can take almost any floating object for a periscope. Yes, we shoot at everything; ours is not a business in which to take chances.

The first W.A.A.C.s came out to France about this time, and I watched them with interest through my periscope. I heard that a sand-bagged dug-out had also been made for us in camp, and tin hats handed out; a wise precaution in view of the bricks and shrapnel that rattled about when we went out during air raids. I never saw the dug-out of course.