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He gave us white truffles, several sorts of shell-fish, the best fish of the Adriatic, dry champagne, peralta, sherry and pedroximenes wines. After that supper worthy of Lucullus, Bellino sang with a voice of such beauty that it deprived us of the small amount of reason left in us by the excellent wine.

'Go back, he cried, 'to the dog, your master, and tell him that Colonel Peralta is still a Blanco in spite of your dishonourable flag.

I do not so much mind that loss, replied the Alferez, since I may apply to myself the old saw, "My father-in-law thought to cheat me by putting off his squinting daughter upon me; and I myself am blind of an eye." "I don't know in what respect you can say that?" replied Peralta. Why, in this respect, that all that lot of chains and gewgaws might be worth some ten or twelve crowns.

"What for?" sharply demands the officer. "I am a Catholic, and would like to talk to him." Don Miguel Peralta gazes in wonder. "A Gringo and a Catholic! I will tell him to see you." Valois is reconducted to his abode. He leaves a puzzled Commandante, who cannot believe that any despised "Gringo" can be of the true faith.

The rearguard, under Peralta, not surprised, like the pioneers, in the middle of their passage, by the rising tide, but prevented, before it was too late; from advancing far beyond the shore from which they had departed were fortunately enabled to retrace their steps. Don Osorio, at the head of the successful adventurers, now effected his landing upon Duiveland.

He had been much concerned for the safety of the expedition, and was therefore very pleased to find that "through the Divine Assistance" the buccaneers had triumphed. At supper that night he talked with Don Peralta, who told him of some comets, "two strange Comets," which had perplexed the Quito merchants the year before.

Didn't they take the San Antonio ranch in Oakland, defend it with cannon, and put old Peralta in jail for bothering them with his claims of ownership?" He laughed. "It's a rare joke, this land business. If we squat on the Rincon, who'll dispossess us? Answer me that." "But it's government ground. It's leased to Ted Shillaber," one objected. "To the devil with Shillaber," McTurpin answered.

"That is easily explained," I said, surprised at his shrewdness, "she is an Argentine, not an Oriental." "Ah, that explains it," he said, taking another long pull at the bottle. "As for the other senora with you, I need not ask you who she is." "Why, who is she?" I returned. "A Peralta, if there ever was one," he returned confidently.

The first introduction of negroes into the eastern part of the island of Cuba took place in 1521 and their number did not exceed 300. In the sixteenth century the slave-trade was not free in Spain; the privilege of trading, which was granted by the Court, was purchased in 1586, for all Spanish America, by Gaspar de Peralta; in 1595, by Gomez Reynel; and in 1615, by Antonio Rodriguez de Elvas.

By the shores of the flashing mountain lake, with the rich valley sweeping out before it, it lies in peace. The fragrant forest throws out gallant flanking wings of embattled trees. It is the residence of the lord of ten leagues square. This is the great Peralta Rancho. In wintering in the San Joaquin, Maxime has often heard of the fabulous wealth and power of this inland chieftain.