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The priests were placed with strict regard to their rank, and the order of initiation. Pentaur's was the lowest place of all. No discussion of any importance had as yet taken place, for Ameni was making enquiries, receiving information, and giving orders with reference to the next day's festival.

He stayed his steps when he heard men's voices, but the rocks hid the speakers from his sight. Presently he saw the party approaching; the son of his host, a man in Egyptian dress, a lady of tall stature, near whom a girl tripped lightly, and another carried in a litter by slaves. Pentaur's heart beat wildly, for he recognized Bent-Anat and her companions.

The prince and the poet stood thus back to back for a few moments, when a stone struck Pentaur's head; he staggered, and the crowd were rushing upon him, when the little fence was torn away by a determined hand, a tall womanly form appeared on the scene of combat, and cried to the astonished mob: "Have done with this! I command you! I am Bent-Anat, the daughter of Rameses."

The prince and the poet stood thus back to back for a few moments, when a stone struck Pentaur's head; he staggered, and the crowd were rushing upon him, when the little fence was torn away by a determined hand, a tall womanly form appeared on the scene of combat, and cried to the astonished mob: "Have done with this! I command you! I am Bent-Anat, the daughter of Rameses."

"You must follow me if it is to your death!" cried the youth, and, seizing Pentaur's hand, he dragged him with him out of the cave.

"That has been done a hundred times, and Ameni will regard me as a perjurer, for I have sworn not to attempt Pentaur's life." "To be sure, thou hast sworn that, and men keep their word to each other. Wait a moment, how would this do?

Pentaur's hot spirit was full of wrath. As soon as the noisy cortege appeared actually in sight he would place himself in the doorway, forbid the princess to enter, and receive her with strong words. She could hardly come hither out of human kindness.

The superior knew Pentaur, and saw that no mere whimsical fancy, but some serious motive had given rise to this refusal. Horror, almost aversion, had rung in his tone as he said the words 'new marvel. He doubted the genuineness of this divine manifestation! Ameni gazed long and enquiringly into Pentaur's eyes, and then said: "You are right, my friend.

"A sufferer needs my help," replied the leech Nebsecht, Pentaur's friend, whom we have already seen in the House of Seti, and by the bed of the paraschites' daughter; and he hastened on so as to gain on the slow pace of the rider. Then rose the glowing disk of the sun above the eastern horizon, and from the sanctuaries below the travellers rose up the pious many-voiced chant of praise.

It was not till seven months after the fire at Pelusium that Pentaur's marriage with Bent-Anat was solemnized in the palace of the Pharaohs at Thebes; but time and the sorrows he had suffered had only united their hearts more closely.