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Ask mercy of the Lord for the salvation of your own soul, through the merits of the death and passion of Jesus Christ, who now sits at the right hand of God, to make intercession for you, if you penitently return to him. The Lord have mercy upon you!" This ceremony concluded, the calvacade was again put in motion.

They had grown to be much to each other during the experiences of the past year. "It suggests too much." "I forgot," said Brown, penitently. "Forgive me. It will be hard for you." "And for him. Poor Shock," said Helen. "Don't let him go to his home." "Not if I can help it," replied Brown. "And don't don't talk about me much."

Nevertheless, let a tender conscience penitently ask, is it quite an innocent matter to lend a hand in rendering the age more careless than perchance, but for such ministrations, it would cease to be? Is it quite wise in a writer, by following in that wake, to be reputed at once to help in doing harm, and help to do harm to his own reputation?

Now, at the sudden recollection of it, she blushed until it was visible even under the chalk, and gave a vigorous pull, in the hope of removing her coronet, while she said penitently, "I truly didn't know you were here, Aunt Jane. We were going to rehearse part of the play, and " "That will do, Polly," interrupted Aunt Jane stonily; "you needn't say any more about it.

Poor fellow, he admires everybody; his head is almost as empty as this," said Miss Gwilt, smiling indicatively into the hollow of her cup. She dropped the spoon, sighed, and became serious again. "I am guilty of the vanity of having let him admire me," she went on, penitently, "without the excuse of being able, on my side, to reciprocate even the passing interest that he felt in me.

We shall have one of them dropping exhausted presently, and then we shall be in a nice fix." "I haven't used the whip once, Father, but I thought it was better to get them on as fast as I could, for I have felt and seen ever so many snowflakes in the last half-hour," Katherine said penitently.

She felt guilty as she recovered, for the habit of thinking about subjects unconnected with her family had always seemed to her as unwomanly as a thin voice or a flat chest. Penitently she dropped a kiss on his forehead and muttered, "Richard, you're a good son. You've made up for everything I've been through many times over...." "Then stay up with me a little," he said.

His hands reached past their feet for their hearts. And they felt it so. Their hearts understood, if their heads didn't yet. Judas felt those hands reaching to touch his heart. And he had to set himself afresh to resist that touch. John felt it, and remained steady. Peter felt it and came back with flooded eyes. The fleeing nine felt that touch and yielded to it as they penitently returned.

"Ye lef' no wood hyar, an' ye said ye would borry the mule, an' come home early a- purpose to haul some. An' me hyar with nuthin' to cook supper with but sech chips an' blocks an' bresh ez I could pick up off'n the groun'." Birt's troubles had crowded out the recollection of this domestic duty. "I clean furgot," he admitted, penitently.

The stage had been set his courage had mounted and before he had reached his magnificent peroration, she had laughed at him. Ye Gods! She had affronted the erstwhile Confederate States of America and his spirit was galled. Suddenly Conscience looked up and met his gaze penitently.