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A species of human petrel, a juridic Procellaria Pelagica whose habitat was the court-house, Erle Palma lived amid the ceaseless surges of litigation, watching the signs of rising tempests in human hearts, plunging in defiant exultation where the billows rode highest, never so elated as when borne triumphantly upon the towering crest of some conquering wave of legal finesse, or impassioned invective, and rarely saddened in the flush of victory by the pale spectres of strangled hope, fortune, or reputation which float in the débris of the wrecks that almost every day drift mournfully away from the precincts of courts of justice.

Among other zoophytes present in these shallows, there were a few coral tree forms that, according to Sir James Clark Ross, live in these Antarctic seas at depths as great as 1,000 meters; then small alcyon coral belonging to the species Procellaria pelagica, also a large number of starfish unique to these climes, plus some feather stars spangling the sand.

This property does not belong exclusively to the Medusa noctiluca, which Forskael has described in his Fauna Aegyptiaca, and which Gmelin has applied to the Medusa pelagica of Loefling, notwithstanding its red tentacula, and the brownish tuberosities of its body.

Among other zoophytes there were Portuguese men-of-war known by the name Physalia pelagica, like big, oblong bladders with a pearly sheen, spreading their membranes to the wind, letting their blue tentacles drift like silken threads; to the eye delightful jellyfish, to the touch actual nettles that ooze a corrosive liquid.

Balea australis. Pupina grandis. Tab. 3. Helix macgillivrayi. Pupina Thomsoni. Helicina gouldiana. Helicina stanleyi. Helicina louisiadensis. Ranella pulchra. Scalaria jukesiana. Macgillivrayia pelagica. Cheletropis huxleyi. Among the very numerous Insects and Crustacea, collected by Mr.

It must be very seldom, however, that the Fulmar visits the Channel Islands, as neither Mr. Couch nor Mrs. Jago had ever had one through their hands, and Mr. MacCulloch has never heard of a Channel Island specimen occurring. It is not included in Professor Ansted's list, and there is no specimen in the Museum. STORM PETREL. Thalassidroma pelagica Linnaeus. French, "Thalassidrome tempête." Mr.

Macgillivray, its discoverer, whose researches have been productive of so much new and valuable contributions to all departments of zoological science. I have named the species M. pelagica. Tab. 3 fig. 8. a, b, c, d. New Genus CHELETROPIS, Forbes.