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The goldfinch and the wagtail; The gangling jay to rail, The flecked pie to chatter Of the dolorous matter; The robin redbreast, He shall be the priest, The requiem mass to sing, Softly warbling, With help of the red sparrow, And the chattering swallow, This hearse for to hallow; The lark with his lung too, The chaffinch and the martinet also; . . . . The lusty chanting nightingale, The popinjay to tell her tale, That peepeth oft in the glass, Shall read the Gospel at mass; The mavis with her whistle Shall read there the Epistle, But with a large and a long To keep just plain song. . . . . The peacock so proud, Because his voice is loud, And hath a glorious tail He shall sing the grayle;*

The night-wind bold Blows over the hard earth; Time is not more confused and cold, Nor keeps more wintry mirth. "Yet blow, and roll the world about; Blow, Time blow, winter's Wind! Through chinks of Time, heaven peepeth out, And Spring the frost behind."

He playeth hoodman, and peepeth over his bandage. 'My lord, you wrong me much, said Dorothy, and burst into tears, while once more the red lava of the human centre rushed over her neck and brow.

She into my window looks, As I sit with lamp and books, And the night-breeze stirs the leaves, And the dew drips down the eaves; O'er my shoulder peepeth she, O, she loves me royally! Then she tells me many a tale, With her smile, so sheeny pale, Till my soul is overcast With such dream-light of the past, That I saddened needs must be, And I love her mournfully.

He playeth hoodman, and peepeth over his bandage. 'My lord, you wrong me much, said Dorothy, and burst into tears, while once more the red lava of the human centre rushed over her neck and brow.