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Nor had that register been discovered from which the copy of the certificate was supposed to have been taken. All through the Colony, so said this agent, a very great interest was felt in the matter. The newspapers from day to day contained paragraphs about it. But nobody had appeared whom it was worth while to bring home. Mrs.

I should have been glad to quote numerous extracts from these ironical and severely critical passages. Of exceptional interest are the paragraphs in which he castigates the most impudent and the most flourishing of current sophisms, the sophism of race, for whose sake thousands of poor simpletons of all nations are slaughtering one another.

He, too, knew what it was to be compelled 'to unpack his heart in words' when deeds should have expressed it. But even words are forbidden him here. After all the pains he has taken to show us what the deficiency is which he is reporting here, and what the art and science which he is proposing, he can only put down a few paragraphs on the subject, casually, as it were, in passing.

Matthews, a Scotchman, published in 1830 a work on Naval Timber and Arboriculture, and in the appendix to this he gives most clearly but very briefly in half-dozen paragraphs our view of Natural Selection. It is a most complete case of anticipation. He published extracts in the Gardeners' Chronicle. I got the book, and have since published a letter acknowledging that I am fairly forestalled.

He is like a man glancing across the open pages of a tableful of books. He can see that the type, words, paragraphs, thoughts are there, even without focusing his attention to understand any of it. Then how does the man feel when he glances at the open books and sees only blank pages? The books are there the words are not.

When I look across the narrow strait of our boarding-house table, and observe what a handsome wretch she is, I begin to think that if Mr. Seward doesn't presently take her in charge, I shall. The preceding paragraphs have little or nothing to do with what I am going to relate: they merely illustrate how wildly a fellow will write, when the eyelashes of a pretty woman get tangled with his pen.

At some future day, it may be, I shall remember a few scattered fragments and broken paragraphs, and write them down, and find the letters turn to gold upon the page. These perceptions had come too late. At the Instant, I was only conscious that what would have been a pleasure once was now a hopeless toil. There was no occasion to make much moan about this state of affairs.

'We have to remind you, said the letter, in continuation of paragraphs which had contained simply demands for the money, 'that the title-deeds were delivered to you on receipt by us of authority to that effect from the Messrs Longestaffe, father and son, on the understanding that the purchase-money was to be paid to us by you. We are informed that the property has been since mortgaged by you.

He had only yielded to the solicitation of my personal enemy." "You cannot have one at my court, madame; the lieutenant of police would have done well not to have named her to you." "Thanks to him, however, I shall now know whom I ought to mistrust. I know also who is the author of the two scurrilous paragraphs." "Some scamp, no doubt; some beggarly scoundrel." "A monsieur Ledoux."

Not long ago the editor of an English paper ordered a story of a certain length, but when the story arrived he discovered that the author had written several hundred words too many. The paper was already late in going to press so there was no alternative the story must be condensed to fit the allotted space. Therefore the last few paragraphs were cut down to a single sentence.