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"Papa's friends and relations give me marvellous presents, and all the swells send me paper-knives. It's all Jacques' fault. He's above all this kind of thing. The Faubourg Saint-Germain hardly knows that we're engaged." "He doesn't go about advertising it," said Jeanne, smiling. "You're joking, but all the same what you say is true," said Germaine.

After some examination they discovered a plank in the floor, in the corner where they were wont to sleep, which was loose and easily forced up with one of Bill's unfinished paper-knives, which he made very strong for this special purpose! Beneath there was sufficient room to stow away the cloth with which they fashioned the additional breadth to the umbrella.

"Are we going to spend the whole day arguing about cats and paper-knives? For goodness' sake, clear the stage and stop wasting time." Miss Hobson chose to regard this intervention as an affront. "Don't shout at me, Mr. Foster!" "I wasn't shouting at you." "If you have anything to say to me, lower your voice." "He can't," observed Miss Winch. "He's a tenor." "Nazimova never..." began Mr. Bunbury.

The library where I found them was full of book cases-open bookcases, bookcases with glass doors, tall bookcases, dwarf bookcases, bookcases standing on legs, bookcases standing on the floor of statuettes yellow with smoke, of desks crowded with paper-weights, paper-knives, pens, and inkstands of "artistic" pat terns.

That bequest in the will of the gold watch, to his "trusty friend, John Forster," I always thought admirably summarized the relations of the two friends. I myself received under his will one of his ivory paper-knives, and a paper-weight marked C.D. in golden letters, which was made for and presented to him at one of the pottery works.

He looked from one to the other with keen and eager eyes. Sonia sat staring rather listlessly at the carpet. The Duke turned, and smiled at him. "Well, M. Guerchard," he said. "I hope the burglars have not stolen the coronet." "The coronet is safe, your Grace," said Guerchard. "And the paper-knives?" said the Duke. "The paper-knives?" said Guerchard with an inquiring air.

The Palestine Rabbis always excommunicate everything and everybody. He laughed. 'What do you know about Palestine? 'More than you think. Father gets endless letters from there with pressed flowers and citrons, and olive-wood boxes and paper-knives a perennial shower. The letters are generally in the most killing English.

The village folk were still well supplied with money after the downfall of the mine, and were excellently in form in the way of spending; those stuffed birds on springs were the very thing they wanted; they set them up on chests of drawers in their parlours, and also bought nice paper-knives, the very thing for cutting the leaves of an almanac. Aronsen was furious.

Here, too, is the old silver skewer I've been wanting for years they make the most charming paper-knives in the world and this gold cigarette-case will just do for your smaller Sullivans." Nor were these the only pretty things that Raffles set out in twinkling array upon the opposite cushions.

She moved now, and opened drawers and dusted and put together a few things paper-knives, match-boxes, a writing-case, a silver sealing-wax holder, and so on; the occupation interested and soothed her. She had the born mystic's love of little kind actions, little presents, things treasured as symbols of the union of spirits, all the more because of their slight material value.