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But what I meant if you'd only give me time, you know, to put in a word is what for that matter I've already told you: that it almost spoils my pleasure for you to keep reminding me that a bit of luck like this luck for ME: I see you coming! is after all for you but a question of business. Hang business! Good don't stab me with that paper-knife. I listen. What IS the great affair?"

"Now I shall know where she was last night," he said to himself, and was about to tear open the envelope, when suddenly the thought that she had touched the paper made him tender in his usage of it. He found a paper-knife and with careful precision cut the envelope along the top. The slight delay whetted his eagerness to read what Victoria had to tell.

"I still maintain," he said, "that a little practical ingenuity might have found a way." "And I will support you," said Wharton, laying down the paper-knife and bending over to Hallin, "with good reason. For three years and a few months just such an idea as you describe has been carried out on my own estate, and it has not worked badly at all." "There!" cried Marcella. "There!

Its fruity, spicy interior was evenly warmed with an evident old French brandy, no savagely burning cooking brandy, mind, and when the flaky marvel had stood upon the heater for a time, even before its cutting up with a paper-knife, the odour of goose grease was lost in the "Araby the Blest" scent of mince meat. The late John E. Owens, while acting in Cincinnati, had a severe cold.

When one is reading in bed, and lays his paper-knife down, he cannot find it again if it is smaller than a saber; that hat was as stubborn as any paper-knife could have been, and we finally had to give it up; but we found a fragment that had once belonged to an opera-glass, and by digging around and turning over the rocks we gradually collected all the lenses and the cylinders and the various odds and ends that go to making up a complete opera-glass.

"I was prepared for the telephone by his bedside though I did not know to whither it led. The presence of the paper-knife decided me. I balanced it across the silver cigarette box so that one end came under the telephone receiver; under the other end I put the second candle which I had to cut to fit.

"You spoke of the war fever at white heat," he went on, returning to his muttons, "and of the army's enthusiasm for its work. There we come to the kernel in the nut, eh?" he asked, as he prodded the paper-knife into the palm of his hand. "Drill, organization, discipline, and centralized authority and a high-spirited aristocracy of officers are most important," said Westerling.

When Jehudi had read three or four double columns, Jehoiakim cut it with a paper-knife and threw it into the fire that was on the brazier, and the entire roll was burned up. But neither he nor any of his servants who were present, were disturbed or tore their garments. Elnathan and Delaiah and Gemariah begged Jehoiakim not to burn the roll, but he would not listen to them.

"No chance to go behind the returns and stir up popular indignation, as we did in Indiana?" suggested Tom. "No show on top of earth. The ring owns or controls two of the dailies, and has the other two scared. Besides, they've just had their municipal election." The Gordon-and-Gordon manager was absently jabbing holes in the desk blotter with the paper-knife.

Or, for that matter, why had she not telephoned him? He laid the communication down, unopened. He was afraid of it. Had the skies been stone, their supports straws, his dread could not have been greater. He went to the door and softly turned the key. There should be no eye upon him. He came back. Taking a paper-knife, he slit the envelope and spread out the perfumed sheet.