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"Would you put these papahs where you consider them safe until I'm ready to return? Our home, our living, and the honah of a man are there, and we are mighty particular about that bag, are we not, Shelley?" "Well I should think we are!" cried Shelley. "For goodness sake, father, hang to it! Is the man still living? Could you get that evidence over again?"

Then, before she knew it, Viney was sobbing, and had crept close to him and put her arms around his neck. He threw out his arms with a convulsive gesture and gathered her up to his breast, and the tears gushed from his eyes. When the first storm of weeping had passed Viney rose and went to the fireplace. She raked forward the coals. "Ben," she said, "hit's been dese pleggoned free papahs.

There's a gep'mun waitin' to see yo'." Fanny choked on a yawn. "A what!" "Gep'mun. Says yo-all goin' picnickin'. He's in the settin' room, a-lookin' at yo' pictchah papahs. Will Ah fry yo' up a li'l chicken to pack along? San'wiches ain't no eatin' fo' Sunday." Fanny flung back her covers, swung around to the side of the bed, and stood up, all, seemingly, in one sweeping movement.

The houses standing sidewise to the gutter, the narrow, ledge-like pavements, the awkward two-wheeled drays and carts, the men selling lobsters on the corner, the newsboys with their "papahs," the faces of the women so thin and pale, the men, neat, dapper, small, many of them walking with finicky precision as though treading on eggs, everything had a Yankee tang, a special quality, and then, the noise!

Ben remonstrated with her, and she answered him: "No, suh! I ain' goin' 'sociate wid slaves! I's free!" "But you cuttin' out yo' own husban'." "Dat's diff'ent. I's jined to my husban'." And then petulantly: "I do wish you'd hu'y up an' git yo' free papahs, Ben." "Dey'll be a long time a-comin'," he said; "yeahs f'om now. Mebbe I'd abettah got mine fust."

"An' all I gits right along he gwine he'p me save, an' when I git fo' hund'ed dollahs he gwine gin me de free papahs fu' you, my little gal." "Oh, Ben, Ben! Hit ain' so, is it?" "Yes, hit is. Den you'll be you own ooman leas'ways less'n you wants to be mine." She went and put her arms around his neck. Her eyes were sparkling and her lips quivering. "You don' mean, Ben, dat I'll be free?"

To everything he said to her she made but one answer: "I's got my free papahs an' I's a-goin' Nawth." Finally her former master left her with the remark: "Well, I don't care where you go, but I'm sorry for Ben. He was a fool for working for you. You don't half deserve such a man." "I won' have him long," she flung after him, with a laugh.

Sumone sed: "Kathrun, sumthin' awful gwine happen", an' sumone else sez; "De' is de Yankees". De Yankee mens camp on ouah farm an' buyed ouah buttah, milk an' eggs. He sez he had a dream an' prayed, "I had bettah agone, but I prayed. No use let des debils take you, let God take you." We tote food an' papahs to Marse while he wuz a hidin'."

"Yes, but I can't think of it without its antithesis, the home of the workingman and the hut of the poor negro," Bradley replied. They moved on again in silence. Darky newsboys, shivering with cold, met them at every corner, holding out to them in their stiffened little claws their "Styah papahs." The avenue swarmed with sight-seers, mainly of the West and South.

We long remembered him as one of the peculiar features of Richmond. He had one unvarying formula for proclaiming his wares. It ran in this wise: "Great Nooze in de papahs! "Great Nooze from Orange Coaht House, Virginny! "Great Nooze from Alexandry, Virginny! "Great Nooze from Washington City! "Great Nooze from Chattanoogy, Tennessee! "Great Nooze from Chahlston, Sou' Cahlina!