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"Here; singly to your face, or in the presence of your nation." "Le Renard Subtil is a great chief!" returned the Indian; "he will go and bring his young men to see how bravely a pale-face can laugh at the tortures." He turned away while speaking, and was about to leave the place through the avenue by which Duncan had approached, when a growl caught his ear, and caused him to hesitate.

The Great Lakes are big, too; there is room beyond them for the Iroquois; there is room for the Delawares on this side. I am Chingachgook the Son of Uncas; the kinsman of Tamenund. This is my betrothed; that pale-face is my friend. My heart was heavy, when I missed him; I followed him to your camp, to see that no harm happened to him.

The Hurons had been divided in their opinions concerning the probability of their captive's return. Most among them, indeed, had not expected it possible for a pale-face to come back voluntarily, and meet the known penalties of an Indian torture; but a few of the seniors expected better things from one who had already shown himself so singularly cool, brave and upright.

The Comanches have left us a long, long time, but the Apaches and Arrapahoes have not yet forgotten the hunting-grounds where their fathers were born. When I was but a young hunter, they would come every snow to the lodge of our Manitou, to offer their presents. It was long before any Pale-face had passed the mountains. Since that the leaves of the oaks have grown and died eighty times.

"Is that a red-skin's leg?" asked Guert, dropping the muzzle of his rifle, as if about to try his skill on it. "Don't know," answered the Indian; "got leggin, got moccasin; can't see colour. Look most pale-face; leg big."

Then, the Oneidas and Mohawks are not all children of heaven." "No pale-face rogue, go about, I s'pose?" said Nick, sarcastically. "Yes, there are men of that class, who are none the worse for being locked out of one's house, at times. But, what do you think of the hut? You know I call the place the 'Hut, the Hutted Knoll." "He hole plenty of beaver, if you cotch him!

"All pale-face in hurry! Ask ten, one, four question, altogeder. Well; answer him so. Down here, at mill; down dere, at mill; half an hour, six, two, ten o'clock." "I understand you to say that major Willoughby was at the mill when you saw him last, and that this was only half an hour since?" The Tuscarora nodded his head in assent, but made no other reply.

The Indian turned, cast a glance at the compass, which Cap held in a way to direct his course, and gravely answered, "A pale-face eye. The Tuscarora see in his head. "He means, uncle, that we had needs be silent, perhaps he distrusts the persons we are about to meet." "Ay, 'tis an Indian's fashion of going to quarters.

Slowly he opened his eyes, and seeing the little one was by his side, he raised his hands aloft and said, "Me thank Great Spirit; me afraid Great Spirit take me home without seeing little Pale-face once more. Me see my brothers soon; a little while, and Pale-face come to see us. Great Spirit bless little Pale-face," he feebly said; "she make poor Quady happy."

"Teton," returned the trapper, shaking his head in evidence of the strong disapprobation with which he heard this language, "the tongue of a Red-skin must be coloured white, before it can make music in the ears of a Pale-face. Should your words be spoken, my daughters would shut their ears, and Mahtoree would seem a trader to their eyes.