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He nodded his head, more to himself than to her, went back to his desk, opened another ledger, and ran his finger down a page, repeating aloud as he did so, to her extreme embarrassment: "Mr. Schilsky let me see. Mr. Schilsky let me see." After a pause, he handed her a slip of paper, on which he had painstakingly copied the address: "TALSTRASSE, 12 III." "Why, I thank you very much.

Or: I shall describe, briefly, Apollyon and the instruments of his power, which instruments are three in number: Fear, Women and Sunday. By Apollyon I mean a very definite fiend. I mean a very complete Apollyon, a Satan whose word is dreadful not because it is painstakingly unjust, but because it is incomprehensibly omnipotent. I mean, in short, Monsieur le Directeur.

She searched through the records from August up to that very day searched painstakingly and thrice in succession, while the deputy looked on covertly from a nearby desk and smiled at her activities. He might have informed Mrs.

'Women? asked Hermione, with the air of one painstakingly brushing up crumbs of wisdom. Paul Filey nodded. 'Knew ? 'They would see that in the ugly scramble they had let fall their crowns! If they only knew, he repeated, 'they would go back to their thrones, and, with the sceptre of beauty in one hand and the orb of purity in the other, they would teach men to worship them again.

Now as she bent painstakingly over her work, she smiled to herself and wove a tender thread of loyalty and love into the pattern. A long clear trill caused her to raise her head quickly and spring to her feet with, "Here they are, at last!" She ran to meet them.

The disturbed condition of the leaves showed plainly that some one had passed. Very slowly and painstakingly the ranger followed the trail. In many places the forest mold still retained the imprint of a foot distinctly. So they followed the trail for several rods. Then they were unable to find any more footprints, nor did the leaves appear disturbed in any way.

And at the table were three dirty, disheveled little figures, bending seriously over piles of mud. A not-unrecognizable Venus de Milo occupied the center of the table. Connie was painstakingly at work on some animal, a dog perhaps, or possibly an elephant. And The three young modelers looked up in exclamatory consternation as the doors opened. "Oh, are you ready?" cried Carol.

In short," Craig concluded enthusiastically, "it is what you might call the Bertillon measurement, the finger- print, the portrait parle of the human voice!" Incredible as it seemed, we were forced to believe, for there on the table lay the graphic evidence which he had just so painstakingly interpreted. "Who was it?" asked Carton breathlessly. Kennedy picked up another microphotograph.

He grasped her still damp hand and was gone, leaving her with a slight feeling of confusion the reverse of unpleasant. She continued drying her hands, slowly, painstakingly, her thoughts far away. She was realising a most important fact, namely, that never before with any man of her acquaintance had she experienced a similar elation, a like breathless flutter of the pulses.

Susan, too young to have acquired more than the rudiments of the difficult art of character study, even had she had especial talent for it which she had not Susan decided that the famous Rigsdall was as shallow and vain as Rod had said all stage people were. The waiter brought the cocktails and her stout young companion came back, beaming at the thought of the dinner he had painstakingly ordered.