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Another useful appendage is a common tin oven, in which roasting can be done in front of the stove, the oven-doors being removed for the purpose. The roast will be done as perfectly as by an open fire. This stove is furnished with pipes for heating water, like the water-back of ranges, and these can be taken or left out at pleasure.

To locate a worn barrel, when scores of batteries were bombarding together according to a complicated programme, was naturally impossible. The intolerable duration of that day baffles description. The sun, which had displaced a morning mist, struck down with unrelenting rays till shrapnel helmets grew hot as oven-doors.

The oven-doors are next opened, the range or large fire stirred up, and every hole and corner exposed to view; the object of the grand visitation being to see that this essential department of the ship is in the most perfect state of cleanliness and good order.

These are so arranged as to be removed whenever the weather becomes cold, so that the heat may then radiate into the kitchen. The outer edges of the oven are also similarly protected from loss of heat by tin casings and air-spaces, and the oven-doors opening at the front of the store are provided with the same economical savers of heat.

She looked up as I appeared, opened the oven-doors, sniffed the aroma, and resumed her attitude of contented indifference. "Where is the professor?" I asked. "He has retired. He's been talking in his sleep at moments." "Better take it down; that's what you're here for," I observed, closing and holding the outside door. "Ugh! there's a chill in the air.

When all the casings and covers are on, almost all the heat is confined within the stove, and whenever heat for the room is wanted, opening the front oven-doors turns it out into the kitchen. Another contrivance is that of ventilating-holes in the front doors, through which fresh air is brought into the oven.