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There are a couple, male and female, who tramp the country lanes; the farm haystacks or outbuildings have been their resting-places during the summer, but approaching winter has sent them back to London. You see that they have got a tattered copy of Moody and Sankey's hymns, which is their stock-in-trade.

Beyond the fence was a shadowed mass, first a clump of trees, the outbuildings of the Whipple New Place, the house itself. There were lights at the back, and once voices came to him, then the thin shatter of glass on stone, followed by laughs from two dissonant throats. He stood under a tall pine, listening, but no other sound came. After a while he sat at the foot of the tree.

Within the wall, and backed by it, save where the gap had been broken, stood a group of roofless and half-dismantled outbuildings which our three officers studied in sheer amazement. "What on earth is the meaning of this?" "Married quarters," answered Sergeant Topase curtly. "You won't want 'em." "Married quarters?" "Leastways, that's what they was until three days ago.

Disposing of José and Antonio in the neighboring workshop and outbuildings, he assisted the venerable Sanchicha to dismount, and, together with Father Pedro and Juanita, entered a white palisaded enclosure beside the cottage, and halted before what appeared to be a large folding trap-door, covering a slight sandy mound.

Late one evening I arrived at a lonely little station by the wayside, not far beyond the valley of the Drivsdal. I was cold and hungry, and well disposed to enjoy whatever good cheer the honest people who kept the inn might have in store for me. The house and outbuildings were such as belong to an ordinary farming establishment, and did not promise much in the way of entertainment.

In another hour we are at our landing-place, a selector's abandoned homestead, built of rough slabs, and standing about fifty yards back from the river and the narrow line of brown, winding beach. The roof had long since fallen in, and the fences and outbuildings lay low, covered with vines and creepers.

The house and outbuildings wanted painting, then there would be the harvesting, and, after that, he would like to have me for work among the timber. Everything looking well here, fields nice and tall, meadows nice and thick. Glad to hear as soon as you can in answer to this, Yours, FALKENBERG. The engineer had finished his reckoning. He turned on his chair and looked over at the wall.

My own men made their beds in the great hall and in certain sheltered portions of the wings and outbuildings. It was arranged that Hugo should carry the meals of mademoiselle and Jeannotte to mademoiselle's apartments. It was more after our arrival than during our ride to Maury that mademoiselle showed the fatigue of which she had spoken.

They heard the kitchen door open and close and Striker's voice loudly proclaiming the staunchness of his outbuildings, a speech cut short by Eliza's exasperation. "How many times do I have to tell you, Phin Striker, not to come in this here kitchen without wipin' your feet? Might as well be the barn, fer as you're concerned. Go out an' scrape that mud offen your boots."

Ledie, David Owen, Robert and Fairfax, having made the rounds of the house came into the entry way just as Sally and Peggy entered it. The men who had been detailed to make the search of the outbuildings and grounds joined them a few moments later. "He stood just here," observed the sheriff indicating the place behind the door. "You can see his tracks.