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"C'est a la corbeille Tenez!" cried she, holding it by a slender handle of orange-peel; "Tenez! c'est a la corbeille!" Mrs. Somers, with a forced smile admired the orange-basket; but said, that, for her part, her hands were not sufficiently dexterous to imitate this fashion: "I," said she, "can only do like the king of Prussia and other people squeeze the orange, and throw the peel away.

Carver's indeed!" cried the woman, throwing an orange-peel from her with an air of disdain "a pretty come-off indeed! as if I did not know her name, and all about her, as well as you do." "Do you?" said Anne; "then I am sure you know one of the best women in the world."

Talcott was slaying slugs. She had placed pieces of orange-peel around cherished young plants to attract the depredators and she held a jar of soot; into the soot the slugs were dropped as she discovered them. The sight of her was like a draught of water to parching lips. Reality slowly grew round Karen once more.

He shouted to respectable people who were walking quietly in the road to get out of the way; he flicked at the horse of an old man who was riding, causing it to rear; and, as I had to ride backwards, I was compelled to face a gang of roughs in a donkey-cart, whom Lupin had chaffed, and who turned and followed us for nearly a mile, bellowing, indulging in coarse jokes and laughter, to say nothing of occasionally pelting us with orange-peel.

Her heart began to beat at first too loudly, then feebly; she tottered forward, stumbling as one in a dream. She was cold, chilled through and through; bitterly, bitterly cold. Suddenly, without knowing it, she put her foot on a piece of orange-peel; she slipped, and the next moment lay prone in the soft snow.

An' 'tis tin to wan, an' more thin that, that th' town humorist has named him th' orange-peel hero, an' he'll go to his grave with that name. Th' war is over an' th' state iv war exists. If ye saw a man fall fr'm th' top iv a tin-story buildin' 'twud startle ye, wanst. If it happened again, 'twud surprise ye.

She's took camomile and orange-peel, and snake-root and boneset, and dash-root and dandelion and there hain't nothin' done her no good. She told me to-day she couldn't keep up no longer, and I've been a-tellin' Mis' Pennel and her grand'ther.

Lord Palmerston gave a large subscription. See post, May 15, 1783. See Boswell's Hebrides, post, v. 48. See ante, p. 171. Quoted by Boswell, ante, iii. 324. It is suggested to me by an anonymous Annotator on my Work, that the reason why Dr. Piozzi's Collection, where it appears that he recommended 'dried orange-peel, finely powdered, as a medicine. BOSWELL. See ante, ii. 330.

The sun is up, and has performed the first stage of his journey before the maid turns out, opens the front door, and takes a look up and down street, to see who is a stirrin'. Early risin' must be cheerfulsome, for she is very chipper, and throws some orange-peel at the shopman of their next neighbour, as a hint if he was to chase her, he would catch her behind the hall-door, as he did yesterday, after which she would show him into the supper-room, where the liquors and cakes are still standing as they were left last night.

Again he ran around the ring, with raised head, looking at the faces of the thousands that hissed him, that threw orange-peel at him and called him names. But the smell of blood decided him, and he charged a capador, so without warning that the man just escaped. He dropped his cape and dodged into the shelter. The bull struck the wall of the ring with a crash.