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In his room, however, re-establishing his sense of comfort, he found, on a low table by the bed, a choice of whiskies, charged water, cigarettes, nectarines, orange-brown mangoes, and black Belgian grapes, Attached to an electric plug was a small coffee percolator; for the morning, Lee gathered. His pajamas, his dressing gown and slippers, were conveniently laid at his hand.

In the darkness the cold gathered, and the frost began to take a harder grip of everything, of desolate, solitary pumps in tiny and squalid back yards, of pipes that crawled like liver-coloured snakes over the unpresentable sides of houses, of pools thick with orange-brown mud, and vagrant bushes creaking above the grimy earth in places that children named gardens.

But in October, when the nuts ripen, the leaves turn to orange-brown, and finally to the color of a russet apple; so that they do not add greatly to the beauty of the forest." "But the nuts are good," said Malcolm. "Didn't we have fine times picking 'em up?" "We did indeed," replied Miss Harson, "and I hope we shall again." "How long will it be before they are ripe?" asked the little girls.

It was a small modern pleasure town of an almost startling appearance owing to the material used in building its straight rows of cottages and its ugly square houses and villas. This was an orange-brown stone found in the neighbourhood, the roofs being all of hard, black slate.

"No, I see them," cried the boy, with his face close to the water. "Sea anemones; clusters of them like those I've seen in Cornwall, only ten times as handsome. Look there, too, lying on the patch of sand there, seven or eight, oh! and there's one a five-pointed one, scarlet, crimson, and orange-brown; but they don't seem to have any feelers." "No; those must be star-fish sea stars."

These two had grown fond of each other from the cradle, and so Liberata had been promoted to be Adelina's constant companion in the house and to wear pretty dresses. Being a mulatita she was dark or dusky skinned, with a reddish tinge in the duskiness, purple-red lips, and liquid black eyes with orange-brown reflections in them the eyes called tortoiseshell in America.

He was truly royal and enough to inspire poetry in a man of any nation. His face-was orange-brown, of so bright a shade that any one at a glance would have called it red. His eyes were small for his size, and his antennae long, fine, and pressed against the face so closely it had to be carefully scrutinized to see them.

What I thought I saw move appeared to be a dry lily bloom of an orange-red colour, that had fallen and lodged on the grasses against a stalk. "It's only a dead lily," I said; "drive on." "Is there a moth that colour?" asked Molly-Cotton. "Yes," I replied. "There is an orange-brown species, but it is rare. I never have seen a living one." So we passed the lilies.

At this place was a ruined fortress, looking over an immense district of country, a great quantity of which was under cultivation, presenting light-green and orange-brown patches of grain. We passed the stream of Touwarkah, a name apparently derived from Touwarick, or Touarick. The bubbling running stream was looked upon as a wonder by our slaves.

Often and often we are teased and tantalized and mocked by that old question: Oh! so old Thousands of years, thousands of years, If all were told of black and blue eyes; blue versus black and black versus blue, to put it both ways. And by black we mean black with orange-brown lights in it the eye called tortoise-shell; and velvety browns with other browns, also hazels.