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Acting as directed, Nigel unbuckled the roll and found that he was surrounded by a sort of petticoat of oil-skin which could be drawn up and buckled round his chest. In this position it could be kept by a loop attached to a button, or a wooden pin, thrust through the coat.

For some reason the younger woman had not put on the oil-skin cap designed to save her abundant hair from getting wet, but carried it dangling from her fingers, and, just as Russell noticed her, she dropped it on the beach. After stooping to pick it up, she waited a moment for her friend to join her, revealing her full face. "Yes, it's certainly she," I announced.

Of course you will assume charge of your own ranch, for that will not only give you plenty to do, but it will be the quickest way of becoming one of the people; and after you have been out in all weathers for a year or two, turned a dark brown down to your chest, ridden a loping horse on a Mexican saddle, talked politics on street corners and in saloons, left your muddy or dusty wagon once a week at the Rosewater hitching-rail while you transact business in a linen duster, or yellow oil-skin overalls and rubber boots, you will feel so American Californian, to be exact that the mere memory of this formal cut-and-dried Old World will fill you with ennui."

Presently black night overshadowed our enthusiast, who had so entirely missed his part of copying-clerk at a police-office; some vast object seemed to be thrown over him. It was a large oil-skin cap, which a sailor-boy of the quay had thrown over the struggling bird; a coarse hand sought its way carefully in under the broad rim, and seized the clerk over the back and wings.

"Why, Andy!" Uncle William moved the man mildly. Andy shoved the counter in place with scornful touch. Uncle William moved again. Andy got up, looking sternly for his hat. "Can't you stay to dinner, Andy?" "No." "I was goin' to have a little meat." "Can't stay." "It's stormin' putty hard." "I don't care!" He moved toward the door. Uncle William took down an oil-skin coat from its peg.

"What is the matter?" inquired Mr. Eyre. Wylie made no answer. With hurried steps, Mr. Eyre accompanied him towards the camp. What a sight struck his eyes! His friend Baxter, lying on the ground, weltering in his blood, and in the agonies of DEATH. The two younger boys were not there, and the goods which had been covered by the oil-skin, lay scattered in confusion on the ground.

Let's see what's in that oil-skin." Tyke opened the packet. The others drew up their chairs, one on either side, as he unfolded the oilskin carefully on his desk. There were two sheets of paper inside, so old and mildewed that they had to be handled carefully to prevent their falling to pieces. One of the papers seemed to be an official statement written in Spanish.

Acting as directed, Nigel unbuckled the roll and found that he was surrounded by a sort of petticoat of oil-skin which could be drawn up and buckled round his chest. In this position it could be kept by a loop attached to a button, or a wooden pin, thrust through the coat.

The instant the blow came Rod sprang to his feet, and as he did so a part of the rigging caught him, and swept him overboard. With a wild cry for help, he tried to grasp something, but he could find nothing upon which to place his fingers. The cold waters closed around him. He tried to swim, to keep afloat, but the oil-skin suit hindered him. He battled with the desperation of despair.

He was the owner and the captain of the Mary Ann, and the rest were accustomed to do his bidding. When all were on board, Duncan himself jumped in and gave the word to push from shore. He nodded to me and bid me good-night, and when he was a little way from shore, I saw him stand up in the boat and wave his oil-skin cap to some one above me on the cliff.