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Questioned at a special meeting of the office-bearers in the vestry, she admitted that the lamp was extinguished soon after twelve o'clock, though the fire burned brightly all night. There had been unnecessary feasting during the night, and six eggs were consumed before breakfast-time.

We, office-bearers and members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, convinced by the Word and Spirit of God of our guilt and depravity by our breach of covenant in Adam; of utter inability to save ourselves from the ruins of the falls or its just penal consequences; desiring moreover to bless, the Lord, that when we were yet without strength Christ died for the ungodly; that a door of faith has been opened to the Gentiles, and repentance unto life granted to such; taking our warrant and encouragement from God alone, with our hands lifted up toward him: do swear by his great and fearful name as the Lord our God, that

This government, Christ hath not committed to kings, but to the office-bearers of His house, who, in regard of civil subjection, are under the civil power as well as others; but, in their spiritual administration, they are under Christ, who hath not given unto any king upon earth the dispensation of spiritual things to His people.

Once some men, capable of anything, held the door from the outside, and the congregation heard Tibbie rampaging in the passage. Bursting into the kirk she called the office-bearers to her assistance, whereupon the minister in miniature raised his voice and demanded the why and wherefore of the ungodly disturbance. Great was the hubbub, but the door was fast, and a compromise had to be arrived at.

A more commonplace imposture has never been offered for acceptance, even to the most ignorant of mankind. It appeals neither to reason nor romance. The one is insulted by the very shallowness of its chicanery, while its rank plebbishness disgusts the other. Even the nomenclature, both of its offices and office-bearers, has a vulgar ring that smacks of ignoble origin.

It appears, then, that the preaching of the gospel is an ordinance or institution of Christ that the ministry of that and other ordinances belongs only to those office-bearers whom he hath appointed and commissioned for that end and that in ordinary cases, none can be acknowledged as sent by him, but such as are admitted to the ministry in the way above mentioned.

I suppose I need not remind you of how, if we pass beyond this book of the Acts into the Epistles of Paul, his affirmations do most emphatically insist upon the fact that 'we are all made to drink into one Spirit'; and so convinced is he of the universality of the possession of that divine life by every Christian, that he does not hesitate to say that 'if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His, and to clear away all possibility of misunderstanding the depth and wonderfulness of the gift, he further adds in another place, 'Know ye not that the Spirit is in you, except ye be reprobates? Similarly another of the New Testament writers declares, in the broadest terms, that 'this spake he of the Holy Spirit, which' Apostles? no; office-bearers? no; ordained men? no; distinguished and leading men?

The first office-bearers of the new era, be their achievements great or small, are not to be forgotten. Their descendants are respected as the bearers of well-known names; in their families the practice of politics, the knowledge of persons and connexions are perpetuated; fathers, in their lifetime, look after the interests of sons and daughters and launch them on the same path.