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They deem, vain fools! to win fair Honour's prize: This exiled lives, and that untimely dies." Burton, however, still nursed the fallacious hope that his merits would in time be recognised, that perhaps he would be re-instated in Damascus or appointed to Ispahan or Constantinople. At Ober Ammergau, August 1880.

"That's so," assented Robert. "I know'd Miss Nancy's fadder and mudder. Dey war mighty rich. Some ob de real big bugs. Marse Jim used to know dem, an' come ober ter de plantation, an' eat an' drink wen he got ready, an' stay as long as he choose. Ole Cousins used to have wine at dere table ebery day, an' Marse Jim war mighty fon' ob dat wine, an' sometimes he would drink till he got quite boozy.

"I kin always tell dat; ef it draws up its legs and kicks, I kno dat sumthin' is de matter, an' I den gib sum ciderberry juice wid nutmeg grated ober it, an' in no time de baby cries fer more ob de juice. Sum folks gib dar babies 'Godfrey's Cordial, but I dus not blebe in doctors' fisic; nine times out ob ten dey will kill de baby. I thort dat you war sum kin to Mr.

"Go ober dem water one-time quick, sah; den you catch Bosh-bosh as him go for run away." "That's a smart idea," declared Dudley, never backward in giving credit for other persons' ideas. "Quite good," agreed the section commander of the patrol. "Over we go; the horses will have to swim."

"You see, chile," said the motherly woman, "you git sick on my hands if you not go out, an' dere's no danger. Just keep your shawl well ober your face, an' hold your tongue. Don't forgit dat. Let 'em kill you if dey likes, but don't speak!" With this earnest caution ringing in her ears, Hester went forth with Sally to thread the mazes of the town.

"Say no more about it; perhaps you will get it again, for those men only wish to get across the river," added Deck in a milder tone. "You would not take them over, and they intend to ferry themselves across." "I can't ferry dem ober in de night, when de riber is ragin' like a roarin' lion seekin' wem he mout devour.

I'd swar at ye ef yer wuz in de pulpit an' dat come ober me, jes at de fust. Yer knows Nimbus better ner dat. Now see heah, 'Liab Hill, yer's gwine ter go an' be registered termorrer, jes ez sure ez termorrer comes.

"Dar ye go agin," said she; "now quit a callin' me witches and sich, or else say why?" "Didn't I see you dis berry even'?" said Dolf. "In course ye did; we was to Mrs. Hopkins's when de meeting was ober." "And wasn't Elder Spotts dar, too?" "In course he was; yer knows it well enough." "I knows it too well," said Dolf.

For instance, at first they disliked to obey their own non-commissioned officers. "I don't want him to play de white man ober me," was a sincere objection. They had been so impressed with a sense of inferiority that the distinction extended to the very principles of honor. "I ain't got colored-man principles," said Corporal London Simmons, indignantly defending himself from some charge before me.

W'en Mars Archie foun' dat out, he sont ober ter our plantation fer ter tell Mars Dugal' he had shot one er his niggers, en dat he could sen' ober dere en git w'at wuz lef un 'im. "Mars Dugal' wuz mad at fus'; but w'en he got ober dere en hearn how it all happen', he did n' hab much ter say. Wiley wuz shot so bad he wuz sho' he wuz gwine ter die, so he up'n says ter ole marster: