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The O'Moore nearly laughed out, as he civilly turned to answer her question. "We were looking at this portrait, Lady Kirton." "And saying how much he was like Val," put in young Carteret, between whom and the dowager warfare also existed. "Val, which was the elder?" "George was." "Then his death made you heir-presumptive," cried the thoughtless young man, speaking impulsively.

They proved to be O'Moore, O'Reilly, Costelloe McMahon, brother of the prisoner, Colonel Byrne, and Captain Fox. Lord Gormanstown, advancing in front of his friends, demanded of the new-comers "why they came armed into the Pale?"

This agent was fortunately found in the person of Rory or Roger O'Moore, the representative of the ancient chiefs of Leix, who had grown up at the Spanish Court as the friend and companion of the O'Neils.

O'Moore, while the gentlemen were assisted by his sturdy sons to disencumber themselves of their fire-arms. An immense hall, light and airy, occupied the ground floor of the house, which was built of strong planks laid horizontally.

Among these were Sir James Dillon, Colonel Plunkett, Colonel Byrne, and Captain Fox, who, with O'Moore, formed the first directing body of the Confederates in Leinster. In May, 1641, Captain Neil O'Neil arrived from the Netherlands with an urgent request from John, Earl of Tyrone, to all his clansmen to prepare for a general insurrection.

"Look here, Dennis, you'll get no good partners if we're late, and if you don't get a dance with your cousin's daughter, you'll miss a treat, I can tell you. But dancing out here isn't trifled with as it is in temperate climates, and cards are made up early." By and by he shouted again, "O'Brien!" "Coming, your honour." "I don't want you. But is Mr. O'Moore ready?"

His English Parliament made no demur to the arrangement, which would rid the island of some thousands of disciplined Catholics, but several of their officers, under the inspiration of O'Moore, kept their companies together, delaying their departure from month to month.

I tried to read a newspaper, but the cross-fire of talk forbade anything like attention. "Was ye wanting me, sorr?" "No, no. Never mind me, O'Brien. Attend to Mr. O'Moore. Can he manage with those things?" "He can, sorr. He looks illigant," replied O'Brien from the right-hand chamber.

There is not a word in the articles of war about officers working. I am willing enough to be shot by the Spaniards, but not to be killed by inches. No, sir, there is not an O'Moore ever did a stroke of work, since the flood; and I am not going to demean myself by beginning. "What are you laughing at, young Repton?" "I was only wondering, Captain O'Moore, how your ancestors got through the flood.

Lord Ormond, returning from a second reinforcement of Naas and other Kildare forts, at the head, by English account, of 4,000 men, found on the 13th of April the Catholics of the midland counties, under Lords Mountgarrett, Ikerrin, and Dunboyne, Sir Morgan Cavenagh, Rory O'Moore, and Hugh O'Byrne, drawn up, by his report, 8,000 strong, to dispute his passage.