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"If you were a well man, Bateson, we'd talk of that. But there's only one thing that matters to you now it's to feel God with you to be giving your soul to God." The two men gazed at each other. "What are tha nursin' me for, Rector?" said Bateson, abruptly "I'm nowt to you." "For the love of Christ," said Meynell, steadily, taking his hand "and of you, in Christ. But you mustn't talk.

And while they drank their tea, Mrs. Halliss insisted upon taking the baby down into the kitchen, so that they mightn't be bothered, pore things; for the pore lady must be tired with nursin' of it herself the livelong day, that she must: and when she got it into the kitchen, she was compelled to call over the back yard wall to Mrs.

Maisie looked at the wild whirling rush of a field-battery going into action under fire. Two artillery-men stood behind her in the crowd. 'They've chucked the off lead-'orse' said one to the other. ''E's tore up awful, but they're makin' good time with the others. That lead-driver drives better nor you, Tom. See 'ow cunnin' 'e's nursin' 'is 'orse.

Not until he beefs French Pete that is, if he did down him. As for me, I never knew anything about that except what I was told because I was nursin' a busted wrist about that time. All I know was that the boys that hung around here was after him for gettin' me and that he headed out south, stoppin' at Twin Forks and then goin' on south toward the mountains.

'Oh! said Molly, enlightened as to Sylvia's 'news, and half surprised at the vehemence with which the little creature spoke; 'yes; a heerd that days ago. But Charley's noane on his death-bed, he's a deal better; an' mother says as he's to be moved up here next week for nursin' and better air nor he gets i' t' town yonder. 'Oh! I am so glad, said Sylvia, with all her heart.

Like MacGregor, they evidently saw something beneath his habiliments, though the small mustache puzzled them. "You-all been to France?" asked Dave. De Launay did not answer direct. "There was some reputed bronk peelers nursin' mules overseas," he mused. "Their daddies would sure have been mortified to see 'em." "We didn't dry nurse no mules, pilgrim," said Sucatash. "When did you lick Hindenburg?"

He poked at the burning logs with the toe of his boot. Helen observed that he had changed his boots and now wore no spurs. Then he had gone to his quarters after whatever had happened down in Pine. "Where IS he?" asked Bo. "Who? Riggs? Wal, I don't know. But I reckon he's somewhere out in the woods nursin' himself." "Not Riggs. First tell me where HE is." "Shore, then, you must mean Las Vegas.

"I 'ain't got anything to say against your watchin' with sick folks, an' nursin' of 'em, if you've got the spare time an' strength," she said to Jerome; "but if you do doctorin' for nothin' nobody 'll think anything of it. Folks 'll jest ride a free horse to death, an' talk about him all the time they're doin' of it.

"Quite well all there are of us, Joe," said Diana, shelling her peas as she looked up at him. "How's your mother?" "Well, she's pretty smart. Mother seems to be allays just about so. I never see the beat of her for keepin' along. You've had quite a spell o' nursin' folks, hain't you, down this way? Must ha' upset you quite considerable." "We didn't have the worst of the upsetting."

"Annie Darling?" said Wilfred, with difficulty. "Why, she's a girl lives round here. Her mother died last winter, and she's been tryin' to go out nursin'. That's where she's gone now, I guess." Lily Marshall laughed. "It's a funny name," she said. "I should think folks'd turn it round and make it 'Darling Annie." Wilfred felt a hot wave sweeping over him, the tide of recollection.