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Alex.: Exhortation to Heathen, XI; Instructor, I, 12; Stromata, I, 5, 19; II, 2; V, 1, 6, 11-13; VII, 1; VI, 5; Tertullian: Against Marcion, V, 16; Against Praxeas, XIV; Origen: De Principiis I, iii, 1; Against Celsus, VII, 42, 44; Novatian: De Trinitate, VIII; Arnobius: Against the Heathen, I, 38.

I cannot answer for the extent to which they will throw the onus probandi on us; but I protest be it for us, or be it against us I cannot find this very religion of theirs in ancient times, whether in friend or foe, Jew or Pagan, Montanist or Novatian; though I find surely enough, and in plenty, the general characteristics, which are conspicuous in their philosophy, of self-will, eccentricity, and love of paradox.

The Novatian peasants, animated by despair and religious fury, boldly encountered the invaders of their country; and though many of the Paphlagonians were slain, the Roman legions were vanquished by an irregular multitude, armed only with scythes and axes; and, except a few who escaped by an ignominious flight, four thousand soldiers were left dead on the field of battle.

Thus different churches had varying creeds to form the basis of the catechumen's teaching, and placed varying professions in his mouth at baptism. At Jerusalem, for example, the candidate declared his faith: in the Father; in the Son; in the Holy Spirit; and in one Baptism of Repentance. The Roman form, as approximately given by Novatian in the middle of the third century, was,

There were some great bishops like Cyprian, Hippolytus, Victor, Demetrius; some great theologians like Origen, Tertullian, and Clement; some great heretics like Hermogones, Sabellius, and Novatian all marked men, immortal men; but of no great influence outside their ranks.

One was Acesius, the Novatian, "the Puritan," summoned by Constantine from Byzantium with Alexander, from the deep respect entertained by the Emperor for his ascetic character. He was attended by a boy, Auxanon, who lived to a great age afterward as a presbyter in the same sect.

E.g., Minucius Felix: Octavius, XVII, XVIII; Novatian: De Trinitate VIII; Dionysius the Great: Fragments, II, 1. E.g., "Justin, in Philosopher's garb, preached the word of God." Eusebius, IV, 11. The mere list of Greek authors quoted by St. Clement of Alexandria occupies over fourteen quarto pages in Fabricius' Bibliotheka Graeca. Divine Institutes, V. 4. Acts, XVII, 23. Stromata, I, 13.

There were also minor questions about the validity of baptism administered by the followers of Novatian and Paul of Samosata, and about the treatment of those who had denied the faith during the persecution of Licinius.

Paul: "We are buried with him by baptism into death; that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." He could not have been baptized into the water without being immersed. Churches Have Changed Immersion to Sprinkling. The first record of sprinkling for baptism is that of Novatian, A. D. 250.

There was, no doubt, a bishop of this name at Arles, and probably early, but the first whose name is authenticated is Martianus, who followed the Novatian heresy in 254.