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And I told Cap'n Bonnet to bear to the north'ard if in doubt and find the shore of the swamp. Then he could coast back to the beach and so strike the Revenge." "Well, here they come, Joe, and there is sure to be a good reason. Mayhap the fog cleared to landward and they intend to tow the brig in, after all." Just then the foremost boat became visible and behind it was the vague shape of another.

Stand by the lowering-tackle, and when I say 'Now! lower away handsomely and steadily. Are you ready, Mr. Johnson? Keep steady, all, and fend her off well when you touch the water. Mr. Waters! let her go off a point or two to the north'ard. Half speed; port a little steady! All ready in the boat?" "Aye, aye, sir!" "GOD bless you. Steady ready Now!"

We had made out a curious light to the north'ard, and were trying to find out what it was." "What kind of a light?" "Well, it was rather faint, and seemed to be about a mile away. Sometimes it looked red, then green, or yellow, or blue." "And then it disappeared?" "Yes, and though we steamed toward it with all the searchlights at work, we never found where it came from."

She must be within a radius of from twenty to thirty miles of our present bearings on the chart, somewhere here away to the eastwards, sir; and if we make a long leg to leeward and then bear up to the north'ard and west'ard again, we'll overhaul her I'm sure of it yes, sure of it, in no time. Look, colonel, look how we're going now.

It was fifteen years since Silas Marner had first come to Raveloe; he was then simply a pallid young man, with prominent short-sighted brown eyes, whose appearance would have had nothing strange for people of average culture and experience, but for the villagers near whom he had come to settle it had mysterious peculiarities which corresponded with the exceptional nature of his occupation, and his advent from an unknown region called "North'ard". So had his way of life: he invited no comer to step across his door-sill, and he never strolled into the village to drink a pint at the Rainbow, or to gossip at the wheelwright's: he sought no man or woman, save for the purposes of his calling, or in order to supply himself with necessaries; and it was soon clear to the Raveloe lasses that he would never urge one of them to accept him against her will quite as if he had heard them declare that they would never marry a dead man come to life again.

"The chart indicates a group of islands, but not how many, off there to the north'ard, or nor'-nor'westward, about forty miles the Acteon Islands. What about them?" "There are four, all low," McCoy answered. "First to the southeast is Matuerui no people, no entrance to the lagoon. Then comes Tenarunga. There used to be about a dozen people there, but they may be all gone now.

The longest Stunnin'tun eclipses seldom went over three hours he once knew Deacon Spiteful pray quite through one, from apogee to perigee. He therefore proposed that Sir John and he should resign their seats without delay, and that they should try to get the Walrus to the north'ard as quick as possible, lest they should be caught in the polar night. As for the Hon.

Before I go let me help you find shelter, dry limbs for props and a thatch of palmetto leaves." "Take no thought of us," urged Trimble. "Trust me to set this lazy oaf to work. Now listen, Jack, and carefully. Cap'n Bonnet's ship waits in the Cape Fear River, twelve leagues to the north'ard of us.

'Don't let her bear more tull the north'ard than west-by-north, I said tull hum, 'an' ye wull be all right. An' I went below an' turned un. But I couldna sleep for worryun'. After forty hours on the brudge, what was four hours more? I thought. An' for them four hours wull ye be lettun' the mate loss her on ye? 'No, I says to myself.

"There's a canoe in the lake to the north'ard. I can hear the strokes of the paddle plainly." Mr. Welch could hear nothing. Some minutes passed, then Pearson exclaimed: "There! I saw a break in the water over there! There it is!" he said, straining his eyes in the darkness. "That's a canoe, sure enough, although they have ceased paddling. It's not a mile away."