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Beyond all, are the nonentities that are in every body. So, you see, it is worth while to aim for the first place and to keep it." "There are certainly all sorts to choose from! I'll never mistrust my instincts again. I am glad I shall meet Senator North to-morrow. I suppose he is a courtly person of the old school with a Websterian intellect."

Just then, however, she was in the full blaze of her glory; she had been suspected, it is true, of equivocal conduct; but suspicion, while it is still suspicion and not proof, marks a woman out with the kind of distinction which slander gives to a man. Nonentities are never slandered; they chafe because they are left in peace.

Not the ordinary, colourless, respectable being, and still less academic nonentities! If I had my pick, my companions should either be the narrowest religionists or frank, unashamed blackguards. I should go to the Calvinists and the fanatics for choice, but if I could not get them then I should have the rankers.

You have seen what in old days, for some reason, you refused to see. To my thinking, what you ought to do first of all, is to break with your family for good, and go away." "You are talking nonsense." "You don't love them; why should you force your feelings? Can you call them a family? Nonentities! If they died today, no one would notice their absence tomorrow."

Why will these nice men marry such nonentities, I wonder? She is bound to be a drag on him all her days." For all her shrewdness Miss Loder never dreamed that her estimation of Toni was clearly evident to the person concerned.

The silence was a silence that could be felt; and the gleaming Artemis, the tortured frowning Medusa, were hardly stiller in their frozen calm than the crouching figure of the Squire. So Elsmere was going! In a few weeks the rectory would be once more tenanted by one of those nonentities the Squire had either patronized or scorned all his life.

But what astonishes me more than anything is the fellow's candid confession of weakness. You'd better get rid of him tomorrow, in any case. "Do you think he will make another attempt?" "Oh no, not he, not now! But you have to be very careful with this sort of gentleman. Crime is too often the last resource of these petty nonentities.

Look back upon your own life, and upon the lives of those whose story you have known the most intimately, and see what straws, what nonentities, what absurd trivialities have brought about the most important events of existence. Recollect how, and in what manner, those people whom it would have been well for you never to have known came across you.

A dear friend of mine amongst them was Major Russell, who had spent a lengthened span of years in the East an admirable type of the calm, firm, courteous Anglo-Indian who had never soured his temper and spoiled his liver with excessive "pegs," who understood and respected the natives, who had shown administrative ability, and who, like many another honest, dutiful officer, had not shaken much fruit off the pagoda-tree, or even secured the C.B. which is so often given to tarry-at-home nonentities.

So many folk wear titles, as syllables in certain tongues wear accents without them being mute, unnoticed, unpronounced. Nonentities, born to names, so often claim attention for their insignificance in this way. But this woman, had she been Jemima Jones, would have made the name distinguished and select. She was a big and sombre personality.