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"You intend to murder him," replied Nizza; "but while I live you shall never accomplish your atrocious purpose. Help! help!" And she uttered a prolonged piercing scream. "Peace! or I will strangle you," cried Judith, compressing Nizza's slender throat with a powerful gripe.

"Since your majesty deigns to interest yourself so much about me," replied Nizza, "I will use no disguise. They are." "To whom?" demanded the king. "To Leonard Holt," was the answer. "What! the apprentice who brought Amabel hither!" cried the king. "Why, the Earl of Rochester seemed to intimate that he was in love with Amabel. Is it so?" "I cannot deny it," replied Nizza, hanging down her head.

This was bad news to Leonard, who became apprehensive for the safety of the bag of gold given to Nizza by the enthusiast, and he would have taken another road if it had been practicable; but as there was no alternative except to proceed, he put all the money he had about him into a leathern purse, trusting that the highwaymen, if they attacked them, would be content with this booty.

Nizza Macascree is sure to accompany her, and will, therefore, be in your power." "I see!" cried Parravicin. "A capital project!" "Pillichody has contrived to ingratiate himself with Blaize," pursued the earl, "and through him the matter can be easily managed.

Nothing has happened to him?" she continued, observing Leonard's countenance change. "Speak! do not keep me in suspense. Your silence fills me with apprehension. Speak, I implore you. He is dead?" "No," replied Leonard, "he is not dead but he is an inmate of this place." "Ah!" exclaimed Nizza, falling back senseless upon the pillow.

Uttering a loud cry, Nizza started to her feet, and snatching the ointment from the nurse, threw it away. As soon as the latter recovered from her surprise, she seized her assailant, and forced her into the seat she had just quitted. "Stir not till I give you permission," she cried, fiercely; "I wish to cure this young man, if you will let me."

Oppressed by this painful idea, and unable to exclude from his thoughts the unhappy situation of Nizza Macascree, he bent his steps, scarcely knowing whither he was going, towards Saint Paul's. Having passed so much of his time of late in the cathedral, Leonard began to regard it as a sort of home, and it now appeared like a place of refuge to him.

Leonard had never been able to discern the slightest resemblance either in manner or feature, or in those indescribably slight personal peculiarities that constitute a family likeness, between Nizza and her reputed father neither could he now recall any particular resemblance between her and Thirlby; still he could not help thinking her beauty and high-bred looks savoured more of the latter than the former.

Quatremain, the minor canon, has died of the plague in one of the vaults of Saint Faith's," he observed; "and I more than suspect, from the appearance of the body, has not met with fair play." "Your suspicion is well founded, sir," replied Nizza. "Solomon Eagle told me that the unfortunate man's end was hastened by the plague-nurse. Nor is this her sole crime.

With this, she quitted the room, and Amabel signifying to Leonard that she desired to be left alone with Nizza Macascree, he departed at the same time. As Mrs. Buscot had stated, the utmost confusion prevailed below.