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She dotes on her, and Nie is fond of her mother, too. Do you think she can ever do anything in art?" "If she were a boy, I should say yes; as she's a girl, I don't know," said Ludlow. "The chances are against her." "Nature's against her, too," said Burton. "Human nature ought to be for her, then," said Mrs. Burton. "If she were your sister what should you wish her to be?" she asked Ludlow.

And yes, I still sing 'aber hierathen ist nie mein Sinn! Business? oh, so so! A country doctor doesn't make a fortune, but he learns a power, if he isn't an idiot. Now here is enough about me, in all conscience. When you write, tell me about yourself, and what the other fellows are doing. After all, that is " Geoffrey came to the end of his paper, and paused to take a fresh sheet.

Then Demochares commanded him with all care to be put in the park with all the other beasts: but immediately I spake unto him and said, Sir I pray you take heed how you put a beast tired with the heat of the sun and with long travell, among others which as I hear say have divers maladies and diseases, let him rather lie in some open place in your house nie some water, where he may take air and ease himself, for doe you not know that such kind of beasts do greatly delight to couch under the shadow of trees and hillocks neer pleasant wells and waters?

When she came back, she said, "It would be fun to show him, some day, that even so low down a creature as a girl could be something." "I wish you would, Nie," said Mrs. Burton, "I just wish you would. Why don't you go to New York, this winter, and study! Why don't you make her, Mrs. Saunders?" "Who? Me?" said Mrs. Saunders, who sat by, in an indolent abeyance. "Oh!

All too soon my boys called me, and waking, I found that my guest had gone. "Which way?" I asked Jantje. "Nie, baas; ek wiet nie," he said, shaking his head. "Kambala," said I, impatiently, to the other man; "has the ou baas gone?" "Ee-wah t In-koos," he answered in the affirmative; "but where I know not. Ask thou, master, these Bushmen, they know!"

"Nie sann es ernstlich mein Sinn," he assures Fricka, when, starting in dismay from her sleep and beholding the completed burg, she reminds him that the time is come for payment, and asks what shall they do. Loge, he enlightens her, counselled the compact and promised to find the means of evading it. He relies upon him to do so.