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He is a polygamist a perfect Turco and keeps a harem of beautiful ninas, who pass under the name of `spiritual wives. It was only after the young Americana had got far out upon the plains indeed, to the Big Timbers, where she escaped from him that she found out the terrible fate for which her false husband had designed her.

Fondness for gay dress is universal, and the ninas take considerable pains to understand the subject, and to adorn their natural good looks to the most advantage by the selection of the most appropriate colours. Their hair is one of the most remarkable beauties in the native and Mestiza women, being very much longer, and of a finer gloss, than that of any Europeans.

The magnificence that greeted us seemed a vision a glorious and dazzling hallucination more like the gilded brilliance of some enchanted palace than the interior of a Mexican gentleman's habitation. As we stood gazing with irresistible wonderment, Don Cosme opened a side-door, and called aloud, "Ninas, ninas, ven aca!"

Gibbon's "History," are all the literary news I know. France seems sunk indeed in all respects. What stuff are their theatrical goods, their "Richards," "Ninas," and "Tarares"! But when their "Figaro" could run threescore nights, how despicable must their taste be grown! I rejoice that their political intrigues are not more creditable.

His voice reached me from without "`Las ninas de Durango Commigo bailandas, Al cielo ! "Ha! Are you ready, my bold rider?" "Not quite. Sit down a minute and wait." "Hurry, then! the dancing's begun. I have just come that way. What! that your ball-dress? Ha! ha! ha!" screamed Saint Vrain, seeing me unpack a blue coat and a pair of dark pantaloons, in a tolerable state of preservation.

"Bajan, ninas, bajan! aprisa, aprisa!" The ladders rest upon the upper terraces. The girls cannot move them. Their late masters stand beside them, frowning and silent. "Lay holt thar!" cries Garey, again threatening with his piece; "lay holt, and help the gals down, or I'll fetch some o' yerselves a-tumblin' over!" "Lay holt! lay holt!" shouted several others in a breath.

About half way down it, she saw the gilded iron balcony which Andrew had mentioned to her, and in it a gentleman of about fifty years of age, of noble presence, with a red cross on his breast. This gentleman seeing the gitanilla, called out, "Come up here, niñas, and we will give you something." These words brought three other gentlemen to the balcony, among whom was the enamoured Andrew.

At daybreak, after their usual plunge in the surf, they went to ascertain the condition of their pets. To their amazement they found the condor gasping its last breath, while the ninas were comfortably pluming themselves in their corner. Two or three days passed before the ninas could be induced to take food; but they would snap viciously when approached.