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'A'd do it o'er again, a would; an' a'll tell 'em so. It's a fine time o' day when men's to be trapped and carried off, an' them as lays traps to set 'em free is to be put i' t' lock-ups for it. 'But there was rioting, beside the rescue; t' house was burnt, continued eager, breathless Philip. 'An' a'm noane goin' t' say a'm sorry for that, neyther; tho', mebbe, a wouldn't do it again.

He ain't a-goin' to pre-empt, nor buy neyther; an' for the best o' reezuns. He hain't got a red cent in the world, an' souldn't buy as much land as would make him a mellyun patch not he." "How does he get his living, then?" "Oh, as for that, jest some'at like myself. Thar's gobs o' game in the woods both bar an' deer: an' the clarin' grows him corn.

"What does the woman want?" asks Mrs Gancy, greatly puzzled; all the rest sharing her wonder, save Seagriff, who answers, with a touch of anxiety in his voice, "She wants to barter off her babby, ma'am, for that 'ere scarf." "Oh!" exclaims Leoline, shocked, "surely you don't mean that, Mr Chips." "Sure I do, Miss; neyther more nor less. Thet's jest what the unnateral woman air up to.

About a mile from the house we jumped up a little brown bear that scampered off when he seen us, but bein' agin' a bluff where he couldn't get away, he climbed a cotton-wood. H'Anglish was simply frothin' with excitement. "'What a misfortune! Neyther gun nor hounds. "'I'll scratch his back and talk pretty to him, says I, 'while you run back and get a Winchester and them ferocious bull-dogs.

"It be a whale!" pronounced the sailor, in a tone of emphatic confidence, "a whale, an' nothin' else. Ay," he continued speaking, as if some new light had broken upon him, "I see it all now. It be one o' the great spermaceti whales. I wonder I didn't think o't afore. It's been killed by some whaling-vessel; and the flag you see on its back's neyther more nor less than one o' their whifts.

'Twus sep'rated into two halves as ef 't had been clove wi' a broad-axe! Ef 'ee had 'a seed the varmint when he kim to the ground, 'ee'd 'a thort he wur double-headed. Jest then I spied the Injuns a-comin' down both sides o' the bluff; an' havin' neyther beast nor weepun, exceptin' a knife, this child tuk a notion 'twa'n't safe to be thur any longer, an' cached; he did."

"I ken what ye're thinkin', lassie," he said. "Ye canna help thinkin' that there's some in oor mids wha may as weel be nameless, for that they are no credit to us, neyther wad be to ony body o' whuch they war jined members. Isna that yer trouble, bairn?" "'Deed is't, in pairt, Thomas.

"No, that she don't," said a third, making reply for me; "nor his father, neyther. I'll warrant, now, the chap has run away from home. Have you gi'n 'em the slip, little sticklebat?" "Look here, youngster!" said the mate.

"Murderer!" echoed he, after a moment of apparent reflection. "No, no; it's bad enuf to hev the blame o' that, 'ithout bein' guilty o't. I ain't agwine to murder ye; but I ain't agwine neyther to let ye go. I mout a did so a minnit agone, but ye've lost yur chance. Ye've called me a coward; an' by the Etarnal! no man 'll say that word o' Hick Holt, an' live to boast o't.

Ne yet for them neyther, but on Friday, at the onely houre of noone praier: whiche as I haue aforesayd, is kept amonge them high and holy. To see a man and a woman talke together ther, in the open strete or abrode: is so straunge, and so vnwonte a thing, that in a whole yere it skante happeneth ones.