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Noises far and near blend into a muffled murmur, sound's equivalent of the impression received by the eye; it seems to utter the weariness of unending ineffectual toil. Nancy had now walked as far as Newington, a district unfamiliar to her, and repulsive.

Thence to Kingsland, by my nurse's house, Goody Lawrence, where my brother Tom and I was kept when young. Then to Newington Green, and saw the outside of Mrs. Herbert's house, where she lived, and my Aunt Ellen with her; but, Lord! how in every point I find myself to over-value things when a child. Thence to Islington, and so to St.

Newington. Landlord. A fine day, Mr. Wheeler. Wheel. And I hope, for YOUR sake, we may have as fine a day for the Montem to-morrow. It will be a pretty penny in your pocket! And here's the best thing of all, the good old tankard still; not empty, I hope. Landlord. Not empty, I hope. Here's to you, Mr. Wheeler. Wheel. Mr. Wheeler! CAPTAIN Wheeler, if you please. Landlord. YOU, Captain Wheeler!

Breakfast is very pleasant in this house, and the two good sisters look so neat and cheerful. Oct 15. We went to see Mrs. Barbauld at Stoke Newington. She was gratified by our visit, and very kind and agreeable. BOWOOD, Nov. 3, 1818. We have just returned to dear Bowood.

"Rest assured, they were scattered too far to dog our steps again to-night." They emerged some moments later on the Southwark side and saw the pillory towering ahead of them. "How far shall we fare to-night, love?" asked the knight. "To Newington on horseback," Phoebe replied, "and then well, then shalt thou see more faring."

What evidence there is points to Nunfield Farm at Chesley, about a mile to the south of the high road. Newington itself in its cherry-orchards is a pretty place enough to- day, with an interesting, if restored, church of Our Lady in part of the thirteenth, but mainly of the fourteenth century.

Michael Faraday, the third son of a poor English blacksmith, was born at Newington, Surrey, England, September 3, 1791. His father's health was never the best, and due to the resulting straitened circumstances his early education consisted of the merest rudiments of reading, writing and arithmetic.

Was acted at the theatre in Shoreditch and at the playhouse at Newington Butts; 6. Had for its principal character a hero exhibiting more general violence than can be attributed to Shakespeare's creation of Hamlet.

The barrister went inside. He thought of the "man with black, snaky eyes," who "took penn'orths" all the way from the Elephant to Whitehall. And now he, Brett, took a penn'orth to the Elephant. The 'bus reached that famous centre of humanity, passing thence through Newington Butts to the Kennington Park Road.

This evening I wrote letters to my father; among other things acquainting him with the unhappy accident which hath happened lately to my Lord of Dorset's two oldest sons, who, with two Belasses and one Squire Wentworth, were lately apprehended for killing and robbing of a tanner about Newington' on Wednesday last, and are all now in Newgate.