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Before he died Nessus bade her steep her robe in his blood and treasure it as a certain charm for recovering his waning affection. Summoning Lichas, she gives him strict orders to take the robe to Heracles who was to allow no light of the sun or fire to fall upon it before wearing it.

So strict is the search that when the elephants went down today to the fountains for water every howdah was examined to see that no one was hidden within it." "It will be necessary also, Nessus, if you do hit upon some plan for getting me out, to arrange a hiding place in the city." "That will be easy enough," Nessus replied.

In a minute there was a sound of a dull crashing blow, then Nessus moved to the other side and the sound was repeated. With two blows of his short heavy sword the Arab had cut off the feet of the dead Romans at the ankle, and the chains were free. "Put on the clothes of this man, my lord, and take his arms; I will take those of the other."

He made his way along the corridors through force of habit; he threw aside his magisterial robe, not out of deference to etiquette, but because it was an unbearable burden, a veritable garb of Nessus, insatiate in torture.

She thought upon the words that Nessus had said to her, and even as she thought upon them messengers came from Heracles to ask her to send him a robe a beautifully woven robe that she had that he might wear it while making a sacrifice. Deianira took down the robe; through this robe, she thought, the blood of the centaur could touch Heracles and his love for her would revive.

Is the passage from your cell here wide enough to admit your being drawn up?" "Yes," Malchus replied; "it would be a close fit, but with a rope you could get me up through it." "I will set to work to loosen these bars at once," Nessus said; "but the difficulty is not to get you out from here, but to get you beyond the gates of the citadel.

No ease respites me from my sufferings: night presses upon day, and day upon night: nor is it in my power to relieve my lungs, which are strained with gasping. What wouldst thou have more? O sea! O earth! I burn in such a degree as neither Hercules did, besmeared with the black gore of Nessus, nor the fervid flame burning In the Sicilian Aetna. What event, or what penalty awaits me?

She walked into the drawing-room thinking to find Barbara. Instead, she sailed into a surging sea of passion. Doria crouched on a sofa hiding her face the flame, poor little elf in the Nessus shirt, had been lapping her round, and with both hands outstretched she motioned away Jaffery who stood over her. "Don't touch me, don't touch me!

"It had been used for the heads of George Calvert and Shakespeare, but in time of religious excitements was proclaimed to be the true hat of Guy Fawkes. I reclaimed it, and brought it to Princess Anne, and in a vain moment put it on my head and walked into the street. It was assailed with halloos and ribaldry." "It was another Shirt of Nessus, Milburn; it poisoned your life, eh?"

Chiron, in consequence, bade Nessus accompany them along the river; and there they saw tyrants immersed up to the eyebrows; Alexander the Great among them, Dionysius of Syracuse, and Ezzelino the Paduan.