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It was a glorious walk. The sun was scorchingly hot, but our whole way was between the great sweet-scented pines, whose needle-like leaves glistened like silver as they reflected back the sun's beams, and shaded our way. After a time we began to have glimpses of the big river, and at last as we approached an opening I caught sight of a large ship, and uttered an exclamation.

He met three double rows of white needle-like teeth daring him to come on. He squatted flat on his belly and growled with desperate fury, but he wouldn't go closer. The hunter urged in vain. "Hit's no use!" he cried at last. "Jest ez well axe er dog ter walk into a den er lions. I don't blame him." The Boy's pride was hurt. "I can make him bring one out," he said. Tom shook his head: "Not much.

Up from the arms of the Pacific rolled the storm-cloud, and the Thunder-bird, with its eyes of flashing light, beat its huge vibrating wings on crag and canyon. "Up-stream, a tall shaft of granite rears its needle-like length. It is named 'Thunder Rock, and wise men of the Paleface people say it is rich in ore copper, silver, and gold.

The Doctor held in his hand, on the point of a knife, the flower of a cactus very common in the mountains, which he presented her, warning her at the same time against its needle-like thorns. "It makes me sick," said Alice hastily, throwing it away. "It is the color of gold, which I want so much; and of the sunshine, which I hate so."

The royal palm is the most common variety, and frequently grows to a height of one hundred and twenty feet, the branches numbering from twenty to twenty-five, in the center of which are the hearts or buds of the plant, elevating themselves perpendicularly with needle-like points.

Mechanically she put up her hand and discovered a needle-like splinter of glass sticking into her face. She had not felt it before: it must have come from the electric-bulb which Holliday's revolver had shattered. There must be a good deal of blood on her cheek....

Vulp fastened his needle-like teeth in the throat, and each of his sisters gripped a leg, while together they jerked, strained, scolded, and threatened, till the mother, fearing lest the commotion would betray their whereabouts to some lurking foe, rated her noisy progeny and in anger drove them away.

In his free hand he grasped a branch of acacia set with immense thorns, the needle-like points of which he touched contemplatively from time to time, as if pondering what use he could put them to. He had no marked prejudice, for the moment, in favor of either side in the battle below him.

Here, among and beyond the rocks, were oaks, and pines, and savins each needle-like leaf a shimmering lance each clustering branch a spray of gems and the stout, spreading limbs of the oaks delineating themselves against the sky above in Gothic frost-work. Suddenly before they thought it could be so near they came up and out into a broader opening.

In one species the 6-feet-long leaves bear upon the margins and upper surface long, thin, needle-like points, black and glossy, and attaining a length Of 3 inches; the main rib bears stout re-curved prickles, while the sheaths which envelop the cane are densely covered with dark brown or black points 1 inch and more long.