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You had Branto'me, you had Tallemant, you had Retif, and a dozen others, to furnish materials for scenes of voluptuousness and of blood that would have outdone even the present naturalistes. You had other metal to work on: you gave us that superstitious and tragical true love of La Moles, that devotion how tender and how pure! of Bussy for the Dame de Montsoreau.

But there is a still more complete representation of the plant under the name of Catha Forskalii Richard, in a work published under the auspices of the French government, entitled, 'Voyage en Abyssinie execute pendant les annees 1839-43, par une commission scientifique composee de MM. Theophile Lefebvre, Lieut. du Vaisseau, A. Petit et Martin-Dillon, docteurs medecins, naturalistes du Museum, Vignaud dessinateur. The botanical portion of this work, by M. Achille Richard, is regarded either as a distinct publication under the title of Tentamen Florae Abyssinicae, or as a part of the Voyage en Abyssinie.

"Les naturalistes modernes s'accordent unaninement

One would be glad to know whether he found it always more easy to know in what order of familiarity this or that animal would stand to the majority of his readers than other classifiers have found it to know whether an individual more resembles one species or another; probably he never gave the matter a thought after he had gone through the first dozen most familiar animals, but settled generally down into a classification which becomes more and more specific as when he treats of the apes and monkeys till he reaches the birds, when he openly abandons his original idea, in deference, as he says, to the opinion of "le peuple des naturalistes."

"Les naturalistes out généralemente cru que les animaux microscopiques étaient engendrés par des oeufs transportés dans l'air, ou déposés dans des eaux dormantes par des insectes volans." But the skill of the microscope makers of the eighteenth century soon reached its limit.

Il en resulte que les especes qui terminent chaque rameau de la serie generale tiennent, au moins d'un cote, a d'autres especes voisines qui se nuancent avec elles. Voila ce que l'etat bien connu des choses me met maintenant a portee de demontrer. Je n'ai besoin d'aucune hypothese ni d'aucune supposition pour cela: j'en atteste tous les naturalistes observateurs."

Whether this double migration be confirmed or not, the fact of a former extension of the ancestor of our horse over Asia, Africa, and America is settled beyond doubt. The Naturalist on the River Amazons, ii. 85, 95. Dr. Dr. B. Altum, ut supra, pp. 13 and 187. A. Becker in the Bulletin de la Societe des Naturalistes de Moscou, 1889, p. 625.

Accompanied as I am with a number of aides naturalistes, we ought to be able among us to bring together large collections, and even to add duplicates, which I can then, on my return, distribute to the European Museums, in exchange for valuable specimens. We leave next week, and I hope to write you from Rio a letter which will reach you about the date of my birthday.

"Avant de quitter la montagne de la Gardette qu'il me soit permis de rapporter une observation qui peut-être n'est pas dénuée de tout intérêt pour les naturalistes; je l'ai faite dans une galerie

His endeavour was, to prove the devise of his escutcheon: 'Que scais-je? Have the humanistic studies not given to him, as to so many of his contemporaries, a distinctive mental bent? Have Greek and Roman philosophy and poetry remained without any influence upon him? Has his character not been formed by them? Does he not once reckon himself among 'nous autres naturalistes?